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My Interests

I'm interested in helping promote new bands. This has been a passion of mine for quite some time.I am ambitious, honest, loyal, and trustworthy. I love to swim, I grew up by the water, so I love all things having to do with the sea. I sing at times, I'd love to get voice lessons. I also dance. I love watching old films and animation. Poetry and writing interest me as well. My favorite artists are John William Waterhouse, Bougereau, Simeon Solomon, Hieronymus Bosch. Some new artists as well, from Deviant Art such as Heavy Fantasy, Linda Bergqvist, Anry Nemo, TSA and many others. Sir Lawrence Alma- Tadema.Quotes: This above all, to thine own self be true... William Shakespeare What fools these mortals be... A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare

I'd like to meet:

Artists, singers, musicians, comedians, teachers, all people of talent! People who are open minded and courageous. Those who are not afraid to follow their dreams and believe in themselves. Seekers of knowledge.


Bulletproof Soul...Check out their myspace page. Some 80's music,The Cure, Siouxie and the Banshees,The Smiths, The Police,Talk Talk, etc.. Alice in Chains, The Who, Zero 7, earth, wind, and fire, red hot chili peppers, Seal, Rage against the Machine, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Metallica, Queen, Greenday,Violent Femmes, Bjork, too much to mention all, Joe Deangelis who has played with and produced Meat Loaf and Kool and The Gang. I like classical, Beethoven,Motzart, operas such as Bizet's Carmen.


American Gangster,Gangs of New York, Memento, Donnie Darko, Garden State,Capote, Stranger than Fiction,Immortal Beloved, Girl with a Pearl Earing, Brief Encounter(1945), Now Voyager, All The Marx Bros. movies, Pink Panther movies, Monty Python Quest for the Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Fight Club, Walk The Line, Jarhead,Quiz Show, Secret Window, Secret Garden, The Shining (Stanley Kubrick)Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Logan's Run, The Omega Man, Marie Antoinette (1938),Merrily We Live (1938),Random Harvest, James Cagney movies, The Mayor Of Hell, Angels With Dirty Faces, animated films from Hayao Miyazaki: Howl's Moving Castle, KiKi's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Akira Kurasawa, Ingmar Bergmann, Wild Strawberries, Stanley Kubrick, Tim Burton


House, NCIS, CSI Miami, Criminal Minds, Moonlight,Medium,Old Twilight Zone, Old and New Outer Limits, Star Trek, Family Guy, Futurama, Venture Bros. Boondocks, Basically all of Adult Swim, many types of anime including: Cowboy Beebop, Inuyasha, Reign, Blood Plus


I haven't had too much time to read lately, but I love books about the paranormal and celtic and Greek/Roman mythology. I read books on spirituality as well. The last book I read was The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom.


My heroes are all the people dedicated to their art. I admire people who can get on stage and perform, whether it be playing in a band or acting. My father was a great singer, musician and teacher. My mom is also my hero just for being a strong, determined and beautiful woman, who gives me strength every day.

My Blog

Do you hear it?

Can anyone out there really hear me? I feel like I'm screaming but there's nothing but silence around me. Run rabbit run, but know that one day our two worlds will be one.  
Posted by Paula on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:21:00 PST

Okay, Here it is, Dont hate me for this

As I said before, many people have some great suggestions for Earth day and saving the planet, all of which are good, but mine is much better. Okay here goes! My suggestion, no more like a plea, to sa...
Posted by Paula on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:39:00 PST


Tonight I am missing times past, friends I had, things I've done and places I've been. I know that's vague, but it's way too much to get into and I'm sure no one really wants to know the details....
Posted by Paula on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:51:00 PST

One Word

  Describe me in one word... Put your answer here in my blog This could really be fun. Here’s how to play: 1. Post your answer in this blog and I’ll return the favor. 2. Repost this i...
Posted by Paula on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:12:00 PST


Experiencing jealousy is not a prerequisite for caring. On the contrary, for it is immaturity that fuels this emotion, not love. Lack of jealousy shows the highest regard for another by not allowing t...
Posted by Paula on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:38:00 PST

A thought about love

Love encompasses many things. It can be as a zephyr or a tempest. It is the muse that inspires us, in whatever form it takes, not neccesarily romantic love. Love should never be obsessive or cont...
Posted by Paula on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:20:00 PST


Why are people such scumbags that they have to steal? I've become disappointed in the human race.  I quietly pray that what is yours will be returned to you. 
Posted by Paula on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:20:00 PST

Two actors gone

With all the insanity going on in our lives, we must take the time to remember Heath Ledger and Brad Renfro who were two wonderful, amazing actors are gone now.Let's remember them and mourn ...
Posted by Paula on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:43:00 PST

Brief Encounter.........

I'm watching it right now, love these old films.
Posted by Paula on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:23:00 PST

walk hard

I don't care what you say, some parts of it were ridiculously silly, but this movie was hysterical.
Posted by Paula on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:34:00 PST