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I am here for Friends

About Me

We search incessantly through crowds of strangers, Internet profiles, bullshit cultural ideals and most prominently each other's approval for the ultimate experience. The closest we seem to come is the interest of a fellow and all we fucking want is to be understood. Completely. To be known and loved. Not for our adherence to the thoughtless ideals of our desiccated culture; not to be viewed under a merciless microscope and criticized for our supposed folly, but to be seen entirely; as we are. In all of our hidden talent and virtue. Is there a pair of eyes anywhere, so clear and free from the distortion of their personality's ego that they can penetrate with their gaze the very core of my being and see me completely, as would one omniscient? Is there a person out there so attuned to their higher self, that their reflection of divinity seems infallibly constant, and their display of synchronicity inexplicable to the blind and unaware? Can anyone out there speak to me from that perfect place of wisdom and address my soul? Is there a prophet left in the world? Where is Buddha? Jesus? These questions are not rhetorical. I recognize that miracles are not confined to the pages of ancient history. Okay, man I know it's possible for a human being to fully embody divinity. And we're all searching for him/her. Generally in all the wrong places. But the search is noble and the process commendable, however primitive the methods employed for its execution, fuck ...We're all doing it. If I do this, so and so will like me, if I have this, I will be admired.... If I achieve this, I will be respected. Thoughts of lack and inadequacy plague our minds and bind our awareness into obscurity. Distracting us from the beauty of our souls, the present moment and we run forever from the moment of now into the eternally expanding horizon of "what if?" and "I want". Back to the point, We want to be given what is ours by divine right: love, certainty, confidence, and the guarantee of our life's meaning....we want to know that our hope isn't futile; that we're living for something. We're waiting for someone to tell us exactly what we need to hear: WE ALL HAVE A TALENT, A SPARK OF SUPERIORITY CREATED WITH THE INTENTION OF LIGHTING A TORCH FOR HUMANITY. WE ARE THEREFORE OBLIGED TO IGNITE IT. We're waiting to be seen by someone who simply knows us. OUR SPARK OF GENIUS DEMANDS APPRECIATION. WE NEED THE PROPER ENCOURAGEMENT TO INSPIRE THE GENEROSITY NECESSARY TO FOSTER THE SHARING OF OUR LIGHT...not for recognition but for love. Is anyone capable of giving us sufficient knowledge to sustain and uphold our inspiration for life??? Shit, man this is the longest 'about me' ever but...this is the best I can do: Question constantly. It is curiosity, which defines genius. Therefore, forget your age and remember that you are still a child with so much left to learn and remember. Release your heart from the bondage of fear to empower your mind with certainty, that you may feel embraced by the highest truth: Consciousness is all encompassing and awareness knows no end. Existential cessation, as the destiny of even the smallest portion of what we call personality, is the greatest cosmic joke ever told. I promise you, and all the children of time, that your mind will never cease to be and your life goes on forever. Oh, brothers and sisters, in all of your struggling to find definition and discover purpose, forget not to pierce through the illusion of isolation and remember that you are not alone, but remain forever in the company of all of creation. Nor are your accomplishments ever truly lost, as even every precious word you speak falls not unto silence, but strikes it's chord in the orchestra of life and echoes to the end of time. We need to know, also, that we are not helplessly drifting toward a devastating conclusion of endless suffering. We need to understand that conflict is merely a fact of time that consequently passes to an inevitably perfect solution...our hearts uplifted by the knowledge that the ultimate outcome of the present moment is never worse than one can imagine.... and always "better than you know" It's ultimately more than a static fact; it's a dynamic force, a living is is love. Our inability to comprehend it is due to its utter simplicity, not hopeless complexity... As all understanding is a matter of simplification, can we achieve the ultimate understanding through the ultimate simplification that is return even for a moment, to that pure awareness that characterized the prime of our infancy? What I mean is, I think that what we're searching for in our prophets and in each other, and in all of our experiences is The Ultimate, it's like some divine yearn for existential perfection, completion, The source and center, God, the uniformity of matter, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent...and we're destined to find that in the realm of personal experience...not in a person or an object or some fleeting experience in a passing moment... Rather than the Labyrinth Maya and Goblin King of Asiyah, we must ask ourselves or inquire to God in accordance with our honest perception of that, the question in the back of our minds, lingering at the threshold of consciousness, our purest curiosity and simplest question about life, whatever that may be and find the answer within. My personal goal in life is to help whoever I can with this. TO see the light of God in their eyes and discover their point of genius, bring it to light and encourage them to ignite that divine spark within their minds. For, "men are wiser than they know" Can you imagine?
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My Interests

Spheres, vagabonds, bards, and sages. Rituals, dreams, continomolies and everything else under, behind, beyond, within and without the sun moon and stars.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ, Leonardo DaVinci, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and maybe you3


Mozart, Deadsy, Dead can Dance, Rush, David Bowie, Celtic, Charles Ives, Tool, Dreamtheater, Interpol, The Doors and many many more......


What Dreams may Come, The Labyrinth, THe Matrix, What the Bleep do we know, I heart Huckabees, Big Fish




Golden Dawn, the Urantia book, the undiscovered self, god's debris, anything emerson....or written from THE soul.



My Blog

I want to want something more

I wouldn't mean it if I said I was giving up. I swear I will hold this beleif forever and hope until the commencement of my dream's manifestation. My only regret is that this desire has taken presiden...
Posted by JM I AM on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:49:00 PST

Let me tell you

..> Let me tell you It was the most profound word ever uttered Casually flowing from the sweet innocent lips of the oracle I call My inner child Who says "end" is short for "transcend" And life ...
Posted by JM I AM on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 10:41:00 PST

I got lost

I was climbing the walls of the labyrinth and found myself stumbling through the ruins of the tower of Babel and I ran to Tibet to a temple where a man placed a medalian around my neck as a white tige...
Posted by JM I AM on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:54:00 PST

Smoke Signals

I awaken amidst rubble, unable to recall my name I have forgotten where my home is I was building.....something It's foundation is a ripple in's meaning is lost in the distortion of ...
Posted by JM I AM on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:43:00 PST

My Mother's spooky wedding

A couple of days ago, my mother married her boyfriend of three years...At my mother's request, it was a gothic costume wedding. My stepfather made a surprisingly impressive Dracula and my mother ...
Posted by JM I AM on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 06:20:00 PST

And God said...."Wake the fuck up"

This morning, I woke in tears A voice said that I don't need to dream anymore So I listened, and opened myself to accept the painful sting of an avoided reality. The murals on the walls in my mind,&nb...
Posted by JM I AM on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST