Love, Nature, Music, Craftwork, Geomancy, Sacred Geometry, Meditation and Dreamwork. I'll just leave it at that for now.
My teachers and my self.
One day I'll write down the pages of artists that I listen to. For now I'll list some of the artists I've recently purchased records of. Krinjah, Jahba, KGBKid, Twinhooker, Paulie Walnuts, Sumone, Sixteenarmedjack, Tuffist, Lyon, Loqtus and Rcola.
Just a little bit of TV... The Daily Show, South Park, Robot Chicken, Sealab, Family Guy and Futurama.
Ishmael -D. Quinn, My Ishmael -D. Quinn, The Story of B -D. Quinn, Architects of the Underworld -B. Rux, The 12th Planet -Z. Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men -Z Sitchin, Stairway to Heaven -Z. Sitchin, The Lost Realms -Z. Sitchin, When Time Began -Z. Sitchin, Genisis Revisited Z. Sitchin, Divine Encounters -Z. Sitchin, The Lost Teachings of Atlantis -J. Penial, The New View Over Atlantis -?, The Mystery of The Crystal Skulls -?, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Vimmanna Texts, The Gospel of Thomas, Edgar Cacey -multple authors, Jung on Mandalas -C. Jung, The Portable Jung -C. Jung, The Book of Kells, The Book of Durrows, Lindsfare Gospels, The Dead Sea Scrolls, Fight Club -C. Palanuik, Choke -C. Palanuik and the Little Engine that Could.