Member Since: 12/7/2007
Band Members: COOKIE on Bad Taste and Worse Sounds;
THE CHAD on Roadkill and Smoke Signals;
PINCH on The Floor;
SWEET D on The Rocks with a Twist;
A Lama on Vocals, Lead Guitar, Bass and Drums (only at outdoor events)
Influences: Chili Cook Offs, Beer, Trainwrecks, Fuzzy Animals playing with Dynamite, Beer, Bad Movies, A Nagging Wife, Driving through Snow Storms, Hopscotch, Hillary Clinton's Pant Suits, Beer, Watching Wild Animals Fornicate on PBS, Roller Rinks, Tattoo-ed Chicks Drinking Beer, Books about Books, Fart Jokes, Whiskey... and Beer, Listening to Records backwards for Hidden Messages, Broken Down Cars, Tourettes Syndrome, Limey Bastards and Hillbillies, Lighting our Hair (facial or otherwise) on Fire, Alphabet Soup (big help with lyrics), and of course... Bears
Sounds Like: Breaking Boned and fryin' Hotdogs
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None