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~If you do not go within...you go without~

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"I am... an Individuation of the Singularity... experiencing my life sequentially and simultaneously as all my other lives, past, present, and future... The singularity is what some may call God... others life... some call it the universe... some energy... It matters not what we label it... It is The All of Everything in Existence Moveing through the Space/Time Continuum. God experiences itself through the lives we live... Our lives are the Cycles of the Self that reveal the Self TO the Self through the Cycling OF the Self THROUGH the Self... I am pure Spirit... And I can move through the space/time continuum in endless Lifetimes forever experienceing aspects of my Divine Self. I am the Singularity AND all of space/time... And so are you, and so is everyone and everything else in existence! I am, that I am... And now you know what you are... I am you, and you are me...so shall it be, for all eternity... When you finally G.et O.ver D.enying this great truth, then you will know that you are One with G.O.D.

My Interests

~Nature~ ~Art~ ~Philosophy~ ~Music~ ~Video games~ ~Spirituality~ ~Digital Photography~ ~Science~ ~Good conversation~

The Secret
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a heart of gold and a mind that remains open to new possibilities... Anyone brave enough to think for themselves and not simply strive to fit in... Anyone liveing life genuinely and methodically, and with gental serenity and compassion...


My all time favorite artist is Enigma~ ~Mostly I enjoy music with powerful and beautiful rythms~ ~and also like it when they have a deeper meaning to them~

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I love comedies and the occassional action movie ~ But I really love movies with some emotional depth to them like ~ Powder ~ the Notebook ~ Braveheart ~ ect.


All of the Conversations With God series by Neale Donald Walsch ~ The Tao of Inner Peace ~ Living Energy Universe ~ ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach ~ Jonathan Livingston Seagul by Richard Bach ~ Astral Dynamics ~ Infinite self ~ Tao Teh Ching


Anyone awake enough and BRAVE enough to notice the TRUTH about life and our society like this fellow, George Carlin!