About Me
There was a time when I had eyes but could not see; there was a time when I was solely of this world. There was conflicting duality as I tried to serve two masters, both myself and God. There was a time when I used God only to serve my greed, asking for circumstances to meet my expectations through prayer of petition and intercession. There was a time when it was my will that was being done. Then God interceded and began molding me to serve a higher purpose. Within the last year, I have been thrown directly from one challenge immediately into another- without even the Grace of finding rest in between. God had never allowed me to fall so hard, yet He had never given me such ability to stand so strong thereafter. I now have a peace that surpasses all understanding and live life to the fullest. This is a gift I have found that he gives only a few so that others may be free.
I now see whose and who I am. I have become like the Father as I see that I have been made in His image. I now understand that am not my body- my body will die. I am not my emotions- my emotions are fleeting, mere chemical responses to momentary perceptions. I am not success, God gives and God takes away. I am not failure, there is only one certainty in this universe, and that is the law of uncertainty. Thus I no longer seek stability in an unstable universe- I cannot control that which cannot be controlled. It is His will, not my own. In order to achieve this, I die to myself daily.
I've lost my worldly identities that I had once constructed for myself, and in doing so, have gained an expanded identity that is His. I have lost my life for His sake and in doing so, have found it. I Have become Full. Free. Everlasting. I now say yes to life and yes to God, and as without effort I understand that it is, “Thy will be done†and that all things are possible.
I am free from the fixations I once held so tightly to. I am free from situations and circumstances I once fled from. I live without desire for anything other than the way things are at the very moment. I no longer seek the love of others, I only seek to be the source of love. I know what is real from what isn’t real. I live a life free from the chaos I use to put myself and others through, I once sought to meet my own worldly addictions, expectations and needs. I have started to live for a higher purpose. I have begun to serve others. I am a celebration of life. I am free from dependence upon others. I have become a refuge others seek. I AM.
©2006 Cary Herrman, Inc.
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