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About Me

Well . . if you really want to know, music is my life. I play guitar (JJ Guitars to be precise (no relation, just fine, handcrafted instruments from the UK-check 'em out at: www.jjguitars.com), keyboards, woodwinds, and various other things, but I'm mostly a songwriter. My songwriting influences include (in no particular order) The Beatles, Becker and Fagen, Don Henley, Frank Loesser, the Gershwins, Duke, Dylan, Arlo, Woody, Fats (both of ‘em), Hoagy, Mozart, Nesmith, Nilsson, Newman, Smokey, Stevie, and the late great Mr. Zevon to name a few. I have a band. It's called ARIEL and you can look us up here on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/arielrockstheworld. We have a new CD out called "Sure Thing, You Bet!" and you can buy it at Amazon.com
I write everything with my good friend George Petersen who is also the drummer in ARIEL. We have also written a children's song book together called Crazy Campsongs. Please go to Amazon and buy many copies for your friends, family and total strangers. We could really use the bucks. To support my music habit, I hold down a variety of day jobs that come and go. I do it all. I've had to from doing the band thang all my life. I'm a pretty killer graphic artist that knows the print industry pretty well and I've been told I have the marketing and PR chops of an agency veteran. Contracts, legal, admin, IT-you name it. I also record, produce and engineer other artists and do what we call in the biz "industrials" for an array of corporate clients, and I play with other local bands including the popular party band "Michael Sea and Island Fever." Here's the laundry list part; I collect old records (78s, 45's and 33's) and archive the rare ones to digital for posterity. I also collect sheet music. I have lots of records and sheet music. I also restore musicals from the 1920's. I'm a big fan of Ziegfeld musicals and stars, Eddie Cantor in particular. I'm also into late twenties and early thirties bands and performers. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Anything with a killer script. As a general rule I like comedies. I have a thing for old (20s & 30s) musicals. I'm a big fan of Eddie Cantor, the Marx Brothers, and Fred Astaire. I enjoy seeing all those early attempts at bringing broadway shows to the screen. I also like dramas. Mostly the classic stuff. Bogart, Cagney, Jimmy Stewart. Some recent films, but the dialog has to be clever or thought provoking. Sci Fi, but the plot and the script have to work. I'm not wowed by special effects. If someone recommends a movie with the tag line "the special effects are amazing," chances are I'm not going.


Right now? Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Ghost Hunters, the new Dr. Who . . . and british comedy reruns. I'm big on Yes, Minister, 'Allo, 'Allo, Red Dwarf, anything with Lenny Henry, Saunders & French & friends et al. And of course the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

My Blog

New Song and Video

My band ARIEL has a new song and a video. We (George and I) wrote it for the Hillary Clinton campaign. The lead vocal is by our good friend and label mate, Michelle Jacques of Chel...
Posted by JJ on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 03:46:00 PST

ARIEL Voted Most Rousing Band!

Hey!Thought I'd let y'all know that my band ARIEL won the Most Rousing Band award in the annual Best of the East Bay contest sponsored by the East Bay Express newspaper.I also wanted to remind everyon...
Posted by JJ on Mon, 07 May 2007 11:19:00 PST

Check out my band ARIEL

Check out my band ARIEL. We'ere an original rock band from The San Francisco area (Alameda to be exact). our website is www.jenpet.com/ariel.html
Posted by JJ on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 02:51:00 PST