Christian profile picture


24 is the highest number

About Me


My Interests

Candles on the verge of being lit. Movies of my dreams. The promise you made and who your heart belongs to. Navajo baby talk. Crafting sound out of naught. Everyone's secret tears and the reasons behind them. Art in all forms, particularly under-appreciated rock music, odd films, photography, absurd comedy and novels.

I'd like to meet:

Less idiots, more good people.


SHANNONS , EYES IN THE FOG , Built To Spill, Opeth, Iron Maiden, The Beatles, Entombed, The Waitresses, Archers Of Loaf, Russian Futurists, Fugazi, Tree People, Caustic Resin, King Diamond, Eric Bachmann, Devotchka, Crooked Fingers, Primordial, Pavement, Satyricon, Mayhem, Gates of Ishtar, God Dethroned, Defleshed, The Hives, Oingo Boingo, Clutch, Big Business, Death, Cattle Decapitation, Cinder Cone, Johanavich Von Woken, Band of Horses, Deadbolt, Kyuss, Black Sabbath, Impaled, Murder City Devils, The Police, Belly, Ariel, The Smiths, Immolation, Dawn, Ancient, to be continued...


Evil Dead Trilogy, A Simple Plan, Dirty Work, Bubba Hotep, Eternal Sunshine, Blood Simple, The Truman Show, LOTR Trilogy, Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, The Cable Guy, The Village, Saw, Audition, 28 Days Later.


Homicide: Life on the Streets, NYPD Blue, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Thundercats, Mr. Show, Beavis And Butthead, Law and Order.


Tender is the Night (Fitzgerald), If Chins Could Kill (Campbell), A Heartbreaking Work... (Eggers), Lords of Chaos (Moynihan/Soderlind), Nine Stories (Salinger).


Gene La Rocca.

My Blog

Mayhem should have played Carrie's prom!

So I was interviewed about some of the scary, evil music I love and it was published in LA Alternative. I guess I think that's pretty rad. It was fun, and now people will see me and go.. "hey! that's ...
Posted by Christian on Sun, 28 May 2006 10:24:00 PST

4/30, 3:00 am

the sun is upi'm so happy i could screamand there's nowhere else in the world i'd rather bethan here with you...
Posted by Christian on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 12:10:00 PST

clever blog titles are the new old pink black

i noticed there's a category for "goals, plans, hopes" in the blog menu on myspace just now. there's also one called "blogging". i suppose that's what you use when you write blogs about blogs? hrm.and...
Posted by Christian on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 03:40:00 PST

for youth

a the days when the future seemed so secure, even if we had no idea what was to come. to the days when if all else failed, there was you. to the days when 18 was all we were waiting for. ho...
Posted by Christian on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:48:00 PST

Fancy Devil Geriatric Adhesive

So, a select few highly classy individuals and myself are going to see what may prove to be the best show ever. An evening with OPETH! Already sounding good... but the genius Swedes have come up with ...
Posted by Christian on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 11:05:00 PST

built to spill

i like built to spill a lot. what i don't like is that, one by one, the relationships that have helped to define who i was for about as long as i can remember are all ending, changing or hurting. i lo...
Posted by Christian on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 03:46:00 PST


apathy. dull pain. impatience. memory. sleep. whoa dude. i'm like... deep. i love all you kind people who keep me wanting to wake up every morning, and i have nothing but sad eyes for those frie...
Posted by Christian on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 02:13:00 PST

... or be square

hey thanks to all those sweet people who came out to the knitting factory last friday to see the shannons. now all you people, including those idiots who didn't come.... come see my other band!! purga...
Posted by Christian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i'm lazy so i won't get into all of my travels, but feel free to ask... especially if you want to ask me over some beers or something sweet like that... but in any event, i spent one month in europe a...
Posted by Christian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

in the mist she was standing

well if there's one thing about life... it's that it doesn't get any easier or less confusing. my heart is totally twisting around right now and i'm constantly filled with a feeling that at one momen...
Posted by Christian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST