As the newest member of Dead Denim Gear, I serve the Greater Atlanta area as your Personal Dead Denim Shopper. I have been in the fashion industry now for some years and have worked as a Fashion Stylist for many notable individuals in and around the Atlanta area and represented other high-end lines such as Bebe and Nine West as Management. Although different in style from Dead Denim, the quality of service I can offer you remains the same. I am a HUGE fan of the product. The design concept behind the line fits with the Urban Couture styles you see on individuals who represent the Urban Contemporary Culture. These individuals have assisted Dead Denim in its remarkable, and unique, style of fashion.
Atlanta was one of the first places Dead Denim sought out to begin its reign in the fashion industry. I trust that you will be as enthusiastic about purchasing the product as I am about getting the product to you. If you are interested in hearing more information about the product, or the service offered, feel free to vist the company site at or contact me at, or on Myspace at
Fashionably yours,
Tanja B
Director of Product Placement
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WE are Happy to work Hand & Hand with JPat Records...