God, Gardening, Eastern Orthodox Church, practicing flying ninja kicks with my closest friends/ninja possie, rockin out jamming beating a cup with a spoon or jazz riffs, rock out on guitar (g chord d chord c chord, all day long baby!!), keys (ii-V-I all day long), vocals (semi-controlled yelling until I lose my voice), bass (pedal tone in E all day long!), I LOVE MY LITTLE SISTER CHLOE, I LOVE LAMP, I AM NERD, I AM DORK, Thankful, rejoicing in differences, addicted to golf...not too good though, Jesus, Tennis, Leg extensions...just kidding, messianic jews,highway frisbee at midnight, homeless dudes, reading in coffee shops, hippie christians, long moonlit walks on sandy beaches, normalizing wierdness, recording fellow musicians, mountaineering, climbing trees, eyes, writing music, performing music, bible discussion, birdwatching, sketching, rowboats, going off sweet jumps on my bike, bunny hopping my bike...my bike was stolen 6 years ago, FREEDOM, stacking rocks, levitating and bending spoons...with my bare hands!!, playing in the dirt with tractors making awesome and totally realistic sound effects, running with the lawn mower,sailing and windsurfing, basketball, interpretive dance...seriously give me any song and I'll do any kind of dance from organic hippie fetal position dance to MC Hammer running man...easy.,
"I want creation to penetrate you with so much admiration that everywhere, wherever you may be, the least plant may bring to you the clear remembrance of the Creator ... One blade of grass or one speck of dust is enough to occupy your entire mind in beholding the art with which it has been made," – St. Basil the Great (330-379 AD).
Love all of God’s creation, the whole of it and every grain of sand. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light! Love the animals. Love the plants; love everything. If you love everything, you will soon perceive the divine mystery in things. – Fyodor Doestoyevski (1821-81)
We may gain some inkling of what God is if we attempt by means of every sensation to reach the reality of each creature, not giving up until we are alive to what transcends it. – St. Clement of Alexandria (200 AD)
This is an excerpt from an article located on the OOZE (great articles): http://www.theooze.com/articles/article.cfm?id=1191
DOCUMENTARY OF MY VACATION IN CA JAN 2007 My Documentary of trip to CA, Jan 2007
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My favorite music is the kind I get to participate in. Jam sessions rock (latin montuno Am7, dm7, bdim7, E+7), John Coltrane "Favorite things", Chick Corea "Spain", Pure Funk, Santana, Robbie Seay "Jesus Savior Pilot Me", Dear Machine www.dearmachine.com
Napolean Dynamite, Enter the Dragon, any movie with Ninja's in it basically.
I don't own a television...but if I had one I would watch the History Channel, Sci-Fi, PBS, the Atheist channel and some sort of news.
Inheriting Paradise: Meditations on Gardening -Guroian Vigen, The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology -Igumen Chariton, A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken, Cat's Cradle -Kurt Vonnegut The Way of a Pilgrim by French, Brothers Karamozof -Feodor Dostoesvky Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God knows what-Donald Miller, Ender's Game -Orson Scott Card, Mere Christianity -C.S. Lewis, The Cost of Discipleship, Illussions and Johnathan Livingston Seagull -Richard Bach, Confessions of an Economic Hitman -John Perkins,
My wonderful sisters Chloe and Meadow :)