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The birth certificates of Illinois adoptees were retroactively sealed in 1945. The Illinois Adoption Act, which includes the confiscation and sealing of birth records, is here .
The history of sealed birth certificates in Illinois is here .
Illinois Open believes that all citizens of Illinois must be treated equally with regard to access to their original birth certificates. Therefore, want to restore to ALL Illinois adopted adults their civil and human right to unconditionally request and receive their original birth certificates, without any falsifications.
January 5, 2008
Hello Illinois Open Friends,
The Illinois Legislature will be back in session this week. Representative Sara Feigenholtz (D – Chgo) has expressed an interest in filing an open records bill. The deadline is Friday, January 11th.
I don't think I'll get an opportunity to see the bill before it's finished. I have no idea what kind of bill is going to be written. But I'll let you all know just as soon as I know.
Stay tuned.
Anita Walker Field

February 21, 2008
Friends of IllinoisOpen:
I have had some contact with Representative Sara Feigenholtz over this last weekend. The bill she and her aide Melisha Mitchell have written has apparently not yet been filed. They had indicated that it would be posted on Tuesday, but so far, it isn't there.
But no matter what, I was told that the bill will definitely not be an unconditional bill where ALL adoptees in the state would be treated equally.
Representative Feigenholtz's bill has a disclosure veto. All past denial affidavits that have been filed with the Registry will be honored. Additionally, if this bill should pass, it contains a one year period called an "information campaign" during which time a birthparent can file a non-disclosure affidavit which will be honored by the state. If one birth parent files a denial, the birth certificate might still be issued but all information about the other parent will be redacted; that is, whited out.
The bill has a prospective element and that too contains provisions for birth parents to file non-disclosure affidavits.
A good percentage of Illinois' adopted adults would be able to get their original birth certificate with this proposed bill. But not ALL. The only category of adopted persons that would ALL be able to receive their original birth certificate with no restrictions would be those adoptees born before 1946.
I expected the bill to have been already posted but so far it isn't. I honestly don't know why. I could speculate but that isn't really productive.
The last time I spoke to Representative Feigenholtz was on Sunday, Feb. 19. I told her about the many of you who have written to her, more than once, to express your opinions but received no reply. She replied that it had to do with the clerk's sorting the mail. I told her straight out that she should be listening to you all.
Representative Feigenholtz told me that in her experienced opinion, an unconditional access bill, such as the ones in Oregon, New Hampshire, Alabama and Maine, would NEVER pass in Illinois. She said that if she were to file a 100% unconditional access bill, it would languish and die in the Rules Committee. It would go nowhere. She told me that "it just won't fly." Her reason is that the politics of IL are different from these other states.
Representative Feigenholtz maintains that much of the opposition comes from the Chicago Bar Association. I tried very very hard to persuade the Representative that she should be listening to adoptees, not attorneys. I tried to persuade her to go with the contact preference form that was put into place in Oregon and is in the bills of the other open states. I twice sent her the texts of the bills from each of these states plus the text of every contact preference form. I also sent her the latest statistics on how the contact preference forms are being used.
I wish I had better news to report. At this point, this is all I know about what Representative Feigenholtz's plans.
Now I'll tell you how I feel personally.
I believe that "ALL," minus even one adoptee, is not ALL, and is therefore not acceptable. If true unconditional access can work so easily in these other states mentioned, then it could work in Illinois too, if people wanted to work hard to make it work. In my opinion, we're not so different here as the Representative purports. I believe that if you are going to expend so much energy, time, talent and money into a bill that champions adoptee rights, then you don't stop short of your goal. All adopted adults in Illinois must be treated equally under the law. I believe that we must not leave even one adoptee behind.
I tried to explain to Representative Feigenholtz that a true adoptee rights bill is different than a search/reunion bill. But she doesn't seem to get it or if she does, she doesn't want to act on it. She always brings us back to the attorneys who are worried about their clients, (past, present and future) whose confidentiality might be breeched. And that is a search/reunion issue. It is not about the human and civil right of every adopted adult to own his own truth.
I expressed my opinions, and many more arguments, over and over and over to Representative Feigenholtz. She replied that I'm living in some "sort of dream world." She says that I don't live in the real world of politics. That may be true, but I still believe that my dream is better than all of the conditional plans presented- plans which still allow the state to have control over adopted adults.
Stay tuned.
Anita Walker Field

March 12, 2008
Anita is on a few days "medical leave" but we wanted to let you know right away what's happening in Illinois.
It's way to long to send here, though. Please go up to Illinois Open MySpace blog and read:
The Train Keeps a Rollin'--Another Piece-a-Crap Bill
New Illinois Update
Visit Our Website

My Interests

Restoring the right of all adults adopted in The State of Illinois to access their identity and birth records.

CHICAGO, July 17, 1997: Adoptee rights protest

SPRINGFIELD: This is where Illinois locks up its dirty little state secrets--adoptees' original birth certificates--a strip mall.

I'd like to meet:


Official Adoptee Protest Homepage
MySpace Adoptee Rights Protest
Bastard Nation NOLA Page


Measurable Rights: the Fight for Open Records in Oregon is a documentary by Paul R. Fournier. In Paul's words, the film is "the story of Helen Hill, who used Oregon’s Ballot Measure 58 to open sealed birth certificates for adult adoptees. Her initiative turned into a civil rights battle that caused a sea of change in adoption laws across the country."

Unlocking the Heart of Adoption a documentary by first mom activist Sheila Ganz. It's been shown on numerous PBS stations and film festivals, and is used to educate legislators and the public about adoptee issues and records access.


The The Activist's Handbook: A Primer for the 1990s and Beyond by Randy Skinner. The book that helped launch the Oregon Ballot Initiative. An invaluable resource for anyone working for social change.
Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul Alinsky. The classic activist guidebook that never grows old.
Adoption Politics, Bastard Nation and Mesaure 58 by E. Wayne Carp. Read the in-depth story of how Helen Hill, Bastard Nation and the people of Oregon defeated adoption industry lies and restored the right of records and identity for Oregon adoptees.
Adoption Mystique by Joanne Wolf Small. Joanne says it all! A short but outstanding analysis of adoption secrecy and why we need our records restored to us. The book is a finalist in the social change category for the 2007 National Best Books Awards sponsored by USA, the premiere online magazine and review website for mainstream and independent publishing houses.
The Baby Thief: the Untold Story of Georgia Tan the Baby Seller Who Corrupted Adoption by Barbara Bisanz Raymond. The story of Georgia Tann who worked her evil with the full knowledge of courts, social workers, and politicians. Between 1924 and 1950 she arranged 5000 "adoptions"--many of them of children she'd kidnapped or obtained by other illegal or unethical means. Raymond argues convincingly that Tann instituted the sealed records system that all but a handful of states practice today, in order to hide her illegal activities. Publishers Weekly named the book one of the top 20 non-fiction books of 2007.
Growing in the Dark: Adoption Secrecy and Its Consequences by Janine Baer. Learn the history of sealed records in California. Every sealed state needs a book like this.
For the Records: The Restorial of A Right to Adult Adoptees published by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institiute, November 2007. This report calls for the restoration of the right of sealed birth records to all adult adoptees.
Fumbling Toward Divinity: The Adoption Scriptures by Craig Hickman, a finalist in the 2006 Lambda Book Awards, is a stunning memoir about growing up adopted, black and queer. Craig's letter to the State of Wisconsin is worth the price of the book!
Betty Jean Lifton has probably done more than anyone to bring adoptees into the political arena. Her Twice Born: Memoirs of an Adopted Daughter was recently reissued. This and her other books Journey of the Adopted Self: A Quest for Wholeness and Lost and Found: The Adoption Experience have nurtured a generation. You can't miss with BJ!
The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade is essential reading for equal access advocates. An expert debunking of the myth of first mother “anonymity.”
Beggars and Choosers: How the Politics of Choice Shapes Adoption, Abortion, and Welfare in the United States --a great companion piece to TGWWA.
Family Matters: Secrecy and Disclosure in the History of Adoption by E. Wayne Carp. We disagree with some of the conclusions, but this is essential reading for those who want to know how adoption came to the secret sorry state it is today.
The National Council for Adoption is the largest and most powerful anti-adoptee lobby in the US. It was founded in 1980 with Texas oil money for the sole purpose of keeping records sealed (under the guise of "promoting adoption"). NCFA's Factbook 3 is a treasure trove of the stereotype, mis-and dis-information, and propaganda about adopted persons and their rights that has saturated legislators and policy makers for decades.
FB 3 replacement, Factbook 4, was released Suummer 2007. It's a lot tamer, but should be an essential part of your activist library. You must know your enemy. If you want to open your records you need this information! Also read NCFA's Birthmother, Good Mother booklet while you're at it.
FB4 and BMGM can be ordered online from NCFA; FB3 is downloadable on its site. Go here
Chicago Tribune, November 12, 2007 ; Report urges open access to records for adult adoptees
Chicago Tribune , November 16, 2007; Letter from Anita Field--Adopted woman talks back
Chicago Tribune November 19, 2007; Letter from Mary Ross--Truth in Adoption
Chicago Tribune , November 19, 2007; Letter from Sharon Parmet--Adoption Records
Chicago Tribune , November 19, 2007; Letter from Triona Guidry, Adoptees are a largely ignored minority
Chicago Sun-Times , November 20, 2007: Editorial--Adoptee birth records should be open to them
Chicago Tribune , November 24, 2007: Letter from Carol Howe--Adoption Information
Chicago Tribune , November 24, 2007: Letter from Helen Cambon--Adoptees' rights
ABC7-TV , Chicago, March 10, 2008: Lawmakers Work to et Adult Adoptees Access to Certificates
Chicago Tribune , March 11, 2008: Adoptees Search for Identity
Journal Gazette-Times, March 20, 2008, State Lawmakers Present Legislation Targeting Birth Records, Cot of Adoption. (not online)
Chicago Tribune, March 21, 2008: Editorial--Adoptees and Their Records
Adoptee Rights News Blog (for Illinois news)
Bastard Granny Annie (Anita Field)
The Daily Bastardette (for Illinois commentary)
Rights of Adoptees (Mary Fuller)
NEW RESOURCE: Adoption Reform Illinois

My Blog

Illinois CI system exposed

Triona Guidry has a good blog about the IL CI system and her ownexperience. dential.htmlDon't let the the Mitchell-Feigenholtz deform machin...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:45:00 PST


BASTARD NATION: THE ADOPTEE RIGHTS ORGANIZATION                   P.O. Box 1469      &...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 02:31:00 PST


Adoption Reform Illinois has just released its analysis and projected effect of HB 4623. Entitled Separating Fact from Hype, [pdf] the two-page report contains little nuggets the Mitchell-Feigenhol...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 01:36:00 PST


HB 4623 is a flawed bill. I oppose it in the hope of being able to see it changed into a bill which we can all be proud of; a bill that will serve all adopted men and women equally.HB 4623 - A FLAWED ...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 01:30:00 PST


On March 31, Melisha Mitchell, putative author of Sara Feigenholtz’s notorious 77-page monster HB 4623 sent a mass mailing to AdoptionLand constituents asking for support. In this letter, Ms. M...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:55:00 PST


Recently, an Illinois adoptee sent me an email from Melisha Mitchell regarding HB 4623’s provision on deceased birth parents. In it Ms. Mitchell makes the astounding claim that 80-90% of Illino...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:52:00 PST


Here are some recent comments from Illinois Open’sAnita Field. "Curiously," we only learned of the impending March 12 introduction of Amendment 1 (aka a re-write of the bill) on Monday March ...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:00:00 PST


On March 28, 2008 Adoption Reform Illinois issued a letter to members of the Illinois House of Representatives and the media. The letter was signed by Illinois Open director Anita Field Walker, Green...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:19:00 PST

Springfield Shennighans: Shuffled and Muzzled

Tuesday, I wrote that Amendment 1 to HB 4623, would be heard by the Illinois House Adoption Reform Committee the next day. This amendment would add limited records access language to the CI fix-it bi...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 07:36:00 PST

A New Illinois Update

I spoke to Steve in Sara Feigenholtz’ office this afternoon. As I suspected, the current HB 4623 (CI fix-it bill) will become the records "access" bill. The hearing tomorrow is for reading and...
Posted by ILLINOIS OPEN on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST