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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am German and English but look Italian (I am told). I like to find the humor in almost everything, even when I should be serious. I cry when I'm really angry. I hate phony people and people who think money is the most important thing. I work in Tuscan Funland (a crazy restaurant) with crazy people but I have a good time and always leave work in a better mood than when I got there. I play the violin. I'm a terrible housekeeper. I love outdoor music concerts. I'm not into shopping, but I am into sushi bars.I have been married for 17 years and have discovered it's hard work . . .but worth the effort. I have a hysterical 14 year old who never stops entertaining me with his special talent for verbal sparring. He likes to big time wrestle my 3 yr old who has a scream that could crack a window. My kids are my life - too bad being a full-time parent doesn't come with a paycheck (considering I just set a record today for how much I spent on a full tank of gas).I'm blessed with good friends, good health and a curious, creative mind (or maybe I should say cursed because my mind cannot grasp the concept of housework). I love to write about adoption since I am on two sides of the triad: adoptee and adoptive parent.Thanks for stopping by!

My Interests

I love books, bookstores, Rush (the 80's band), the beach, quiet, sushi, autumn, writing, soccer, cats, Italian food, sitting on my swing in the sun, Johnny Depp, cold draft beer, white wine, not necessarily in that order. I don't like watching sports and that puts me in the minority in my family.However, if you want to play soccer, give me a call. I am a liberal so don't let the Catholic religion fool you. (and no, i don't want to engage in debates about politics; however, I will say I'm pro-choice, pro-children's rights, and pro-Hillary).*********************************************** ***I am also a CASA/GAL - an advocate for abused and neglected children. For more information, please visit:

I'd like to meet:

Hoping to meet others in the adoption community. I hope to bring adoption awareness to the general public, but more importantly help other adoptees and adoptive parents understand this special kind of parenting so we can help each other heal many of the wounds that are inherent in adoption. There are beautiful loving bonds brought together by adoption and I don't discount those at all. However, the dark side of adoption effects all of us adoptees in ways that non-adoptees don't understand. I attempt to explore many of these issues in my blog.MY SPACE ADOPTION GROUPS I RECOMMEND:Group URL: URL: adoption website:


Listen to my cousin (the coolest bald dude in the world) the BMAN on WTUE (104.7) weekdays from 3-7 p.m.!!


Too many to name!


Brothers & Sisters, True Crime shows, Medium


THE ENGLISH AMERICAN: By Alison Larkin ***************************************Pippa Dunn, an English adoptee, goes searching for her American birth parents. A right-on-the-money account of how it feels to grow up adopted, feeling different from your adoptive family, wondering where you came from and the emotional roller coaster that occurs when you find answers to long-held questions. A MUST READ.I will be posting a review written by my friend Karen O'Keefe and myself published in the Union Jack News shortly. Stay tuned . . . .


Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

My Blog

Why do some adoptees search and others dont?

I have been pondering this question today for some reason.  But I need some help from my adoptee friends who read this, because being an adoptee who not only searched but found my birth family, I...
Posted by Lynn on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 06:50:00 PST

The English American (a review by Karen OKeefe and Lynn Grubb)

As published in the Union Jack News June 2008 Books and Pieces: Karen O'Keefe with Lynn Grubb   It seems appropriate that at this time wedged between Mother's and Father's Day here in the state...
Posted by Lynn on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:43:00 PST

Kids say the darndest things

3 yr old daughter says, "Mom I have a little butt and you have a big butt".   3 yr old daughter:   "I'm ready to go to the park." Me:   "I'm still working. Just a few more m...
Posted by Lynn on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:51:00 PST

Dreaming of Sex in the City (and mourning my lost youth)

Some days I just wish I wasn't so responsible.  I mean - there are lots of middle-aged people who get drunk, smoke, dance, wear tube tops and short shorts, and stay out past 12 midnight. I m...
Posted by Lynn on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 07:14:00 PST


Silly things the general public (and insensitive family members) say about adoption: 1. Where are her REAL parents? 2. How does it FEEL to be adopted? (as if I know how it feels NOT to be adopted?) 3...
Posted by Lynn on Thu, 29 May 2008 06:08:00 PST

Why cant I keep my house clean?

Can someone please tell me?  Why are there pillows, blankets and toys everywhere in my living room?  Why are there dishes soaking in the sink?  Why does my daughter's room look like a c...
Posted by Lynn on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:45:00 PST

Birth control pills . . .the miracle cure!

If you are like me (female) and have reached the top of the hill and are heading downward, you may understand that our hormones at this time of life are having a private party of their own.  They...
Posted by Lynn on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:47:00 PST

Reunion blog

As some of you know, I have started a private blog for adoption triad members  in order to be able to write more freely about my feelings and experiences during reunion and other aspects of adopt...
Posted by Lynn on Thu, 15 May 2008 05:26:00 PST

The Paper Trail of Adoption

As my son and I were cleaning up after the minor flood in our basement, I came across my adoption file and that of my daughters (it had been missing for months and I was scared that I lost the only co...
Posted by Lynn on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 04:39:00 PST

New adoptee blog

I have started a new, raw, uncensored, anomymous blog. All adoptees are invited to share their honest feelings. This blog is not for wimps.  If you are not in touch with your adoptee anger, then ...
Posted by Lynn on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 05:34:00 PST