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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey there all you sinners! Tis I, Moses, the prophet picked by God himself.
I am an Israelite turned Egyptian but then turned back into an Israelite. My mother abandoned me when i was just a baby. She says that she was "saving my life"...yeah right. Good one mom!
My life has been a tough one and my job is even tougher. I started out at the top and then went back down from to the bottom. I freed all the people of Israel and parted the Red Sea. I had to go pick up some laws that God wants people to follow. I did all of this and still didn't make it to the promise land! Damn It!!!
I like to go on vacation with my wife to Mt. Sinai...its such a romantic and holy place. Those of you who thought i was single...sorry ladies. But i know my friend Jesus is single.
Well, thats it for now...later sinners!!!

My Interests

Oh you know the usual...Parting seas...causing a tornado of fire to appear...climbing mountains...herding sheep...loving my wife...and hanging out with my homeboy Jesus up in H-Town

I'd like to meet:

I would like to have a show down with the devil and have him repent. I want to throw the 10 Commandments at his evil face and make him forget his evil ways!!! MWAHAHAHA!!! (its always been a fantasy of mine)


The harp, horns made out of bull horns, and my wife's beautiful voice


The Prince of Egypt
The Ten Commandments --the man who played me looked just like me =)


I dont watch is too violent and full of sinners who do not follow the laws of God


The Old Testament
The Torah
I sometimes like to read National Geographic also


God a.k.a. Yaweh
Jesus...even though i'm older than him

My Blog


The Lord became angry with me when i said this. but He know's its true sometimes
Posted by Moses on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

all about love baby

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchanYour name is...Your kiss is...breath takingYour hugs die forYour eyes...light up a dayYour touch is...awakening my heartYour smell is...amazingYour smile is....
Posted by Moses on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST