Oh you know the usual...Parting seas...causing a tornado of fire to appear...climbing mountains...herding sheep...loving my wife...and hanging out with my homeboy Jesus up in H-Town
I would like to have a show down with the devil and have him repent. I want to throw the 10 Commandments at his evil face and make him forget his evil ways!!! MWAHAHAHA!!! (its always been a fantasy of mine)
The harp, horns made out of bull horns, and my wife's beautiful voice
The Prince of Egypt
The Ten Commandments --the man who played me looked just like me =)
I dont watch television...it is too violent and full of sinners who do not follow the laws of God
The Old Testament
The Torah
I sometimes like to read National Geographic also
God a.k.a. Yaweh
Jesus...even though i'm older than him