skahlah profile picture


..aint fifty shOts a bit tOo much..?

About Me

..Skahlah hails from NYC. Started Out freestyling, beatbOxing, and banging On the walls Of trains fOr beats, and just rapping as part Of conversation. Callin up his friends and just leaving messages Of verse. One rainy day his bOy asked him tO gO by his spot tO dO some music thing. There was (dead serious) twO turntables and a mic.. nOt really a mic, though.. it was actually a headphOne sOmehOw hooked up tO a cassette player and set up tO recOrd.. by the end Of that day a new ambition had been born… ..after such.. skahlah kept being active in music.. dOing a recording here and there but.. the recOrding Of music and the creating songs are a very different animals than just rapping and freestyling.. also after making a few sOngs it gOt tO the point where the music sounded coOl but the range Of content was nOt what it could be.. if skahlah was going tO make sOngs ..he wanted tO make sOngs with the best Of them.. classics that wOuld impact histOry and minds around the wOrld.. also giving somehow cOntributing and giving back tO the wOrld.. ..ROAD TRIP.. ..actually more like an around the wOrld venture tO explOre the what is within hiphOp.. hOw hiphOp has prOgressed .. and tO search self fOr what it was that a skahlah had tO say.. experience life tO build pOn depth Of perspective, character, and vision.. ..TYO.. abOut 2002 after living in a few different countries fOr a few years.. skahlah fOund himself in tOkyO dOin underground shows.. and building On the what is.. after a minute he bumped into sOhch.. soon the twO went On tO form the group “the life penciled crew (the Lp)”.. bOund by respect fOr the middle-skOol era Of hiphOp music and the idea that hiphOp is at its best when its highlighting the small pOckets Of life that Often are lost in the shadows.. ..all is done fOr lOve Of the music.. idO nO naka nO kawazu.. HiphOp Is PeOple Highlighting Original Perspective..the undergrOund lives....the yOuth are the future..

My Interests


Member Since: 9/7/2005
Band Website: myspace.cOm/thelifepenciledcrew
Band Members: ..the life penciled crew: skahlah .. sOhch .. dj audace (turntablism's finest) .. mimi smOoth .. chiba chemist .. Q .. dj mana-b (middle schOol spinner) .. shizuka ..

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Influences: ...skahlah (Of the Lp)-pOthOles and speedbumps-midskOol disciple, vOl 01 (128kbps).. the latest skahlah albulm.. tO dOwnlOad.. click the picture.. Or .. type it in: (undergrOund classics, vOl 02) frOm the life penciled crew... the latest life penciled crew (the Lp) albulm.. tO dOwnlOad.. Or .. type it in: undergrOund ..the mid-skoOl vibe....HiphOp Is PeOple Helping Other People..peace ....cOmpOsitiOn Of life is art.. ..nuff respect..
Sounds Like:OkizOo mixtape.. "lOst in Oz".. dOwnlOad it.. dO it.. dO it nOw.. its dOpe..jOsh furey (beastie bOy) mixtape: lOst in pinkdOllarbin-cOld chillin by dj ianjOsh furey (dreamin in sOund - mixtape): lOst in pinkhalfcut - creatin the buzz - mixtapefOod 4 thOught ..SATurday.. may sOmethin.. tunes abOut tO be finished.. i still aint makin nO mOney.. fOr the lOve Of music.. fridAY.. MArcH sOmethin.. - i jOined a jazz band grOup a while agO.. cOol vibes.. but the undergrOund hiphOp is always the fOrefrOnt.. music is as musci dO..///mOnday..april 2nd - bein On hiatus fOr 3 weeks has been healthy.. i wrOte a whOle lOt fOr my tO-dO list.. like 4 Or 5 sOngs per week.. and since makin music aint a race.. im takin my time and tryna put in as much Of self as i can.. maybe nObOdy ever reads this blOg.. but i guess its nO different than when u an undergrOund rapper.. and u makin music.. the undergrOund lives..mata atO de///..i dunno about writin bout self here.. anything u want ta know.. its in the songs.. ..but my fOlks said i should put sOmethin.. my tunes is my method of communication.. i dont like take toO many pics.. prefer to rep On the lOw.. only the music is impOrtant.. ..on that pOint i need lOOOOOOOOOOts of illustratiOns for my music .. if u can help to that end ..holla at me.. im wOrkin with a few veeerry ill artist right now.. very talented.. but i dont say to much til i got it in my hand.. (and on my site) // ..big up the Lp cOllective.. and all the folks shOwin lOve.. .. //[email protected]..// yOrk kid living in tOkyO for the time-bein.. the life penciled crew is my affiliation.. ...1st recorded song? i fOrgot.. ..but the Oldest One that i have (and i remember) is .."cOnfused".. ..i'd like to write a blog but "sugooooku mendoukusai, boku wa.."....nah nO recOrd deal.. its all "hOmemade" ..last year i bOught sOme brOken equipment and read sOme boOks.. "hOmemade" ..thats a song i finished btw..// skahlah ..cuz i feel like i dOne been in school all my life.. either the street or the classroom.. or life.. ..fOr me a skahlah is a cat that doesnt hide frOm the truth.. seeks Out what needs to knOw tO dO what gOtta dO.. ..nOthin is more hated than a cat tryin tO hide behind his ignOrance.. weilding ignorance and stupidity like a damn weapon is the textbook definitiOn of stUpid....uumm that's it..
Record Label: email:[email protected] / yahoO messenger:skahlah
Type of Label: None

My Blog

* * * * * Timeline of Hip Hop History * * * * *

1969 Don Campbell had become a well-known street dancer in Los Angeles and invented a dance called "Campbellock". 1970-1973 Hip Hop "Grandfather" Afrika Bambaataa (Godfather of Hip-Hop culture, ...
Posted by skahlah on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 06:46:00 PST

free dOwnlOads.. "skahlah".. "the Lp" .. and friends (sOon)..

...skahlah (Of the Lp)pOthOles and speedbumps-midskOol disciple, vOl 01 (128kbps).. the latest skahlah albulm.. tO dOwnlOad.. frOm my ...
Posted by skahlah on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:25:00 PST

"fly away" ..skahlah lyrics.. respect tO p.t., fOnik, 5th

lOgic gets turned inside Outmentals sOuthas blOod frOm the mind mOve bOutpillOw talk thOughtsOf cOurse1st up On the menu2nd bein assistance3rd bein friends tOonext the venuechOose tO present truth5th'...
Posted by skahlah on Sun, 18 May 2008 09:35:00 PST

"fOr better Or wOrse" .. new tune in celebratiOn Of mOther’s day ..

..nOt the mOdel-picture-perfect-Offspring.. but i dO try.. made a sOng thOugh tO celebrate the day Of mOthers..imma pOst it soOn..
Posted by skahlah on Sun, 11 May 2008 10:13:00 PST

skahlah On WFMU radiO.. with alf and billy jam ..

..meetin up with my bOy.. alf Of hiphOp slam and OkizoOand alsO billy jam Of hiphOpslam....tryna build life music..1ne-sk
Posted by skahlah on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:52:00 PST

"sentimental mOod" .. price tag, still philOsOphy, feat skahlah .. albulm is "foOd 4 thOught".. tune..still philOsOphy On the beats..price tag sOngfeaturin ..skahlah, midskoOl disciple..the uk mix.. the nyc mix is cOmin soOn..albulm is "foOd 4 thOught"
Posted by skahlah on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:49:00 PST

"cOnfines Of a gilded cage" ..stOry Of tryin tO tO think Outside the bOx.. fOr thOse believe..

beat by khemet Of OkizoO.. shOut Outs tO Our brOthers in tune..  whats with the attitude lOve Of the sOlitutde?viOlence nOt physicalOverly skeptical?Of my inten...
Posted by skahlah on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 11:49:00 PST

tO my friend..

..dry wells tO appreciate the rain mOre.. sunny days blend with gray skies tO make music whOle..we make music ..and cOnnect tO the peOple.. even the best take time tO recharge..pz-sk...
Posted by skahlah on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:38:00 PST

"judging the maker" .. prOduced by alf Of OkizoO/hiphOp slam .. lyrics..

"judging the maker"prOduced by alf Of OkizoO/hiphOp slam2007tO why i walk paths differently im asked specificallywhat Of this tendency tO make music prOficallyis it fOr musically inclined thOse whO ch...
Posted by skahlah on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:43:00 PST

"sleepers" feat halfcut, jOsh furey

"sleepers feat halfcut, jOsh furey"beat by furey"nOthin easy" albulm (midskoOl disciple, vOl 03)..tOo many peOple sleepin On all that is gOin On in this wOrld Of bad cyphers..befOre i lay myselfdOwn t...
Posted by skahlah on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:06:00 PST