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" W ho's R enee ? "

W ith Sammi Cheng, Na Ying, A-Mei, Stef Sun (Sun Yan Zi), Tanya Tsai, Aaron Kwok, Machi, F.I.R, Dylan Kuo, etc. kind of heavenly queens, Warner Music, named the "Palace of Heavenly Queens," nearing the end of 2003, grandly presented a new artist - Renee Chen Jia-Wei, whose new album "Who's Renee" made everyone agree that this new artist would have a bright future in the music scene.

Today at the Asian new album releasing ceremony, Renee performed live by singing and dancing to two songs, "Feel Good" and "Spider Web" without hesitation. Merely by looking at her singing and dancing on stage with totally liberated moves, it wasn't obvious that she choreographed those moves. Renee smiled and said that it was her own Free Style. Although she hasn't learned dancing before, just give her music and rhythm, and she wouldn't be able to resist dancing! And Renee composed and wrote the lyrics for "Spider Web" herself, showing everyone that she could not only dance, but was also musically talented!

As a new artist in the "Palace of Heavenly Queens," Renee wasn't nervous or pressured. She said there were so many seniors who gave her suggestions, so she should be happy instead, why nervous? What made Renee happier was that Yan Zi and A-mei, as former new artists, have given her direct encouragement and guidance, making new artist Renee doubly happy!

With her slender body and dancing, the sharp-eyed reporters noticed that she resembled CoCo, Lee Wen a little, and hearing this, Renee laughed happily, saying, "Since I was young I've always been called Ah-Bai ( ugly in Taiwanese), so I never imagined now people will say I look a little like CoCo!" Renee , who admired CoCo, didn't refute the reporters, and she hoped that one day she'd become popular like CoCo!
So, " W ho's R enee ? " Born in Taiwan, moved to the US at age 6, entered singing contests since young for pocket money, can play piano, flute, cello, drums, etc. musical instruments, never learned dancing but does her own choreography, looks like a Hip-Hop girl but is actually a devout Buddhist, 18 years old this year, she is the new artist of 2003 that will shine, Renee also earned her 2004 Golden Melody Awards 'Best New Artist' nomination, she is Renee !

Concert Opening

'Who's Renee' Bumper Sticker

Full Name:Renee Chen (Chen, Jia-Wei)

Nicknames: nAe, nae-nae, Ree-Ree, Ree C. *updated nicknames: Reec Havoc, 0ne-sip, Trouble, baby, Queen, Pockey
Birthdate: July 2, 1985
Blood type: O
Family: Ma, Bro and dogs Pimpy & Yo
Hometown: Home Of Angels
Languages: English, Taiwanese, Chinese
Height: 5'6 (I grew an inch, wussup!)
Weight: 40kg
Sign: Cancer
hobbies: Song writing & lyrics, singing, dancing, performing, collecting bandanas (used to be insecure without it), visors, hats, caps, beenies, playing video games, going to movies, and I LOVE playing Tekken 5
Music: R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap (& Freestylin' Rap), Soul, Funk, reggae, and some underground stuff *all time favorite song: 'Nobody' by Keith Sweat featuring Athena
T.V: Friends, Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, Will and Grace, Latest (dance) Music Videos and freestylin' dance/rap battles
Favorite Sport: Basketball (just to watch the fellas play topless), roller blading, high jump (Freshmen high jump record holder in high school)
Favorite recording artist(s): Aaliyah, Janet Jackson, Alicia Keys, Des'ree, Beyonce, Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopez, Mary J. Blige, Usher, Craig David, Tyrese, sisqo, Brian Mcknight, Babyface. Taiwan: Shawn "M80" Sung. Japan: Ai, Amuro Namie, Mika Nakashima, Koda Kumi, Onimas (Temple ATS), Origami (Temple ATS) Korea: RAIN, Se7en, T, Whee Sung
Favorite actor(s): Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Nick Cannon (just because he's cute)
Favorite actress(s): Jennifer Aniston, Zoe Saldana
Favorite Model(s): Tyrese, Tyra Banks, Tyson Beckford
Favorite Animal(s): Playerz, Thugz, Pimpz, lil' puppies and fat bunnies
Favorite Movie(s): RIZE, Moonwalker, Flashdance, You Got Served, Shall We Dance, Drumline, Honey, Save the Last Dance, Center Stage, 8 Mile, School Of Rock, Sister Act 2, OR Scary Ghost movies (for example: The Ring, The Grudge....etc.),
Favorite Color(s): baby/sky blue, red
Favorite thing to wear: Bandanas or beenies, silver accessories, make up
Favorite food: PIZZA, FRIES, PASTA and Japan's dOrAyAki~ Mamato's rice krispy treats, chocolate covered strawberries, jelly beans, gum, mints, I'm a vegetarian btw, i don't eat anything with a mouth or mushrooms or eggplants. oh ya....& roasted marshmallows
Favorite drink: hot chocolate, caramel milk tea, strawberry milk, Root beer alcoholic: kahlua milk, shandy
Favorite restaurant: Island's, CPK, Souplantation, Olive Garden, Cafe Cotton Club
Favorite places: Japan, Old Town Pasadena, Theme Parks, Santa Monica (where the street performers are), sandy beaches, CD shops, dance studios, game-rooms, arcades, movies, concerts/performances, hoping for a trip to Venice one day
Favorite instrement: my boombox
Favorite quote: -"Make your life like a toilet paper roll....Long and Useful." -"I'm NOT a vegetarian because I LOVE animals, I'm a vegetarian because I HATE plants."
Who's Renee?: "I'M Renee, I Don't eat anything with a mouth and I have 10 eXtRa holes in me!"
Who I'd like to Meet: The FansFirst concert w/out Bandana

*+ Special shout outz +*
Kay a.k.a. z3brah
for making this page possible


My Interests


Member Since: 3/1/2004
Band Website:
Band Members:

Renee Chen, Jia-Wei
'CHOC' Magazine

Cell Phone commercial

Get this video and more at Discography:

'Who's Renee' Album: 11/6/03'

Album release CF
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'Warner Anniversary Concert' CD+DVD: 12/26/03'

'OutsidersII Soundtrack' : 10/1/04'

Influences: Aaliyah, Janet Jackson, Lisa "Left-eye" Lopez, Beyonce Knowles, Baby Face, Brian McKnight, Keith Sweat, shawn "M80" sung, Origami (
*A True inspiration, Shawn "M80" Sung*
Shawn Sung: "Life's A Struggle" album

Shawn Sung: "Shawn's Feathers" Book+CD


Origami's Website:

Spider Web MV

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Renee Chen "Feel Good" MV

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Record Label: Warner Music Taiwan
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Music Video: "Spider Web"

Spider Web MV ...
Posted by Renee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


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Music Video "Feel Good"

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OcTobEr 23, 2004

"pRettY fACes fROm tHe cOVeRs OF tHe mAgaZiNeS, fROm their cOVeRs tO my cOVeRs waNNa LaY WitH me. fAmE aNd fOrtUne StiLL cAn¡¦T fiNd,         & nbsp; ...
Posted by Renee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

oCTobEr 17, 2004

" i weNt thRouGh 8 diFFeRenT sChoOLs in 12 diFFeRenT yeArs, tHaT's 30 diFFeRenT teACHeRs, oVer tEn ThoUSaNd diFFereNt pEErS. aNd i dOne fOughT in e'RyoNe, bEEn sUspEndeD e'rytiMe, beSidEs a FeW a f...
Posted by Renee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

OcTObeR 16th, 2004

" i'm NOt TrYiNg tO bE yOur giRLfRiEnD (yOu dIG),i aiNt eVen TrYiNg tO LoCk yOu iN.tHeRe'S nO nEEd fOr uS tO pReteNd,i'D RaThEr sPeNd yO' diViDeNdS.yOu aNd mE cAN bE LoVeR fRiEnDs,i'D rAThEr Keep ThiS...
Posted by Renee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sEpteMbEr 26, 2004

" tHiS i haVe hAd eNoUgh, LeT me OuT, LeT mE sHouT. yOu HaVe mAdE Me tHiS wAy, gET mE oUt, fRee mE nOw. i'M tOuGh wHen i'M rOuGh, aNd i'Ve hAd eNoUgh. biTcHinG gRuFF, yA'LL LoCkinG mE uP. w...
Posted by Renee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sEpTEmBer 23, 2004

"dA DaY yOu aRe bOrn iS dA dAy yOu sTaRt dyiNg...." -dYLyN
Posted by Renee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST