Blaze Hon -Born in Jersey City New Jersey Nov of 1985. Raised in poverty and streets filled with crime. At the age of 10 Young Blaze started writing poetry to capture the passion and pain of growing up in the inner cities of New Jersey. At the age of 14, Blaze started writting Rap Lyrics. Then she started to Freestyle. At the age of 16 Blaze began to "battle rap" anyone who would except her challange. Fed up with living in "filth and destruction", at age 17 Blaze moved out and started a new life. In FEB 2004 she found herself in Northern California, right outside of the BAY AREA. After realizing there is no place like home, Blaze moved back to New Jersey in OCT 2007. She learned that things have change and so had she. Currently Blaze Hon is in the works of creating somehting incredible and hopefully something that will capture the hearts of most if not all of the nation. Then the world. ---Freestyle for The GAME TAKE 2