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FONTe spirit, capeche?Love,rock,blues,jazz,folk,alternative,classical,hip hop,R&B, Motown,funk,punk and the all.
Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans, Original Sin, The Messanger, The Mission, Schindler's List, The Fallen, 300, The Gladiator, Gilipili, The Postman, The Patriot, Glory, Escape to Rangoon, Pitch Black...shall I go on?
All of Zecharian Stitchens books. The Four Agreements.The works of Madam Gene Guyon. A Tale of Three Kings. The Prophet.The Alchemist.The Torah,The Dead Sea Scrolls.The Kabbalah, The Zohar, The Complete Jewish Bible, The Apocrapha ,The Lost and Forgotten Books of Eden. Anything about...The Sumerian Civilization,the Chaldean Civilization,the Myan Civilization.the Hebrew Civilization,the Egptian Civivilization,the Hopi Indians and their prophecies and on and on.
Joan of Arc, Catherine the Great, Elleanor Rossevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Willian Wallus, Rosa Parks, Fredrick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Keith Green, My Children...and Yeshua, the Messiah.