*~Your set back is a set up 4 your come back. ~* profile picture

*~Your set back is a set up 4 your come back. ~*

Life always makes me AWARE of what I need to know. I can not change what I am not willing to face. A

About Me

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.. Now IconsHmmm....to know me is to Love me...I am a very open minded person. I am strong headed and trong willed. I have 4 Beautiful healthy children. Life has been a little tuff on me but what I have learned is what does not kill you only makes you stronger...So you lift your self back up and try, try again. Maybe the way you were going about things were all wrong. I have opened my mind and set my soul free to whatever comes my way. I will embrace the change, the diffrence, and go where ever my heart, sprit and soul takes me. I have learned that ACCEPTANCE is the a sign courage. ACCEPTANCE empowers me to make conscious choice. ACCEPTANCE of what is does not mean liking it as it is. Choosing in fear is not ACCEPTANCE. Choosing in anger is not ACCEPTANCE. ACCEPTANCE requires that I trust myself. ACCEPTANCE requires that I be patient with myself, others and the process of life. I have learned you have to make yourself happy. Without being happy with who you are or having any selfworth you have nothing to give to another. You can not buy love... Honest true love. I am here for my family and friends...this is not a dating service nor am I at all intrested in any relationship at this point. I thought I was... I guess I need to just heal...and have fun.I need to take full advatage of this time to continue my journey on learning ME.And raising my kids so they know how to love themselves and end this cycle. I AM INLOVE WITH SOMEONE, but I can't figure out how to make that work...or how to make it right. I am not perfect nor do I claim to be. I am a screw ball in my head....to much previous damge done. I have in someway sabatoged what could have been a wonderful thing. So you see I really just need to get back to thing's I LOVE TO DO...work on me. Hopefully the saying if you love something set it free...will be true. I love taking my kids places and watching there eyes light up. Some call it spoilling them I call it just LOVE. I love the beach it is where I spend alot of my time in the summer with my kids. I love to go dancing with friends, I love to travel(even if it's not far) I love long rides, I love going to the lake ,I love the snow, I love the outdoors,I love BBQing.I LOVE CAMPING. I am by far and out door person. I don't watch much tv...I love shopping and eating out and dinning at nice places with good company. I want to go sky diving, waterrafting, and learn to ride a motorcycle...I was told it's like having your own set of wing's and flying. That sounds like it is right where I want to be. I want to teach my kids its not all about sitting in the house playing video games. I want them to be caring, open minded people, I want them to be like me. I want them to be out going and explore the world ...not home bodies. There is SOOOOO much world out there to expoler. I learned that from my parents. I am ready to do this me and my babies. So let's have fun. I used to do this with loved ones and friends all the time. So let's all start again. We never know when we or someone we love will be gone. Let's live everyday like its our last, and always make it very clear to those you love that you do indeed LOVE them....1...2....3.... here we go.

My Interests

I love being a mommy...but there are times were you just have to get out and cut loose. I love Dancing and hanging out with my friends. I love going to the movies, going to eat long car rides, the zoo, the beach you name it I love it.I can do anything and have a great time....with almost anyone. I love my family.I come from a huge family. We are all so very important to one another atleast in my eyes.
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

I'd like to meet:

..Hmmmmm.......I really Love always meeting new people... Positive people ...but if I would have to choose whom I would like to meet...my Destiny.


I love all kinds of music...I am a fan of all good music. Awwww Music is in my soul...I can listen R&B, Rap, Jazz, Alternative, Soft Rock, Hard Rock, Country some.....Love Techno and dance....Love my hip-hop Hawaian..Regae.......You name it im sure I have the cd. Wide variety from...Mac dre..E40...Of course... Keak the sneak...Jim Jones, Jay Tee, Snoop Dogg, Nate Dog,Justin Timberlake, Amber, The Fray, Jibbs, Taxi Dolls,Tim Mcgraw, Three days grace...I can also Dance to any...so lets have some fun.


My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies
Category My Ratings
Blockbusters Great!
Comedies Good
Action Love 'em
Love Love 'em
More Stuff Great!
How do we compare? Take the quiz
Check out my page on Flixster - add me if u r on!
.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END -Ohhhhhhhhhhhh....Stomp the Yard was off the hook, I loved that movie Shadow Boxer with cubba Gooding Jr.... bad Ass movie a must see... I love Movies.....I have so many it is crazy I am a movie freak...I will go to the movies alone...with my kids...my friends... every chance I get I try to see a movie and those I miss in the movies I buy.... some of my favs are...Pulp fiction, Reservoir dogs, Be Cool, Cronicles of Narnia,MR. &MRS. SMITH that is one of my Fav...oh yes and Willie Wonka.....GO......what a bad ass movie....hahahaha!!!!!!Kill Bill......Troy....Hero....I love animations and Japan flicks there bad ass.......


I am soooo into Rob & Big there so funny, The Real world, Miami Ink, Greys Anatomy...LOVE IT...The L word....any cooking shows, or decorating shows.


Don't Sweat the small stuff. One day my soul just opened up. Anything inspiring...I love the books my friend Amy reads there really good. By Erik Jerome Dickey...


My nephew Dennis is my hero watching him battle cancer and stay strong for all of us who were weak...what an amazing young man...I will always love him. My sister Ruthie for being the mother he needed, strong and sane. My children... I Thank God for them everyday they teach me something new every waken moment. My brother Lance for trying to show me the way when we were younger...while he to was lost...we found it... I love you....

My Blog

Check out this video: TYRESE TAKIN ME TO LOVERS LAND!!!!

TYRESE TAKIN ME TO LOVERS LAND!!!! Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Julia on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:03:00 PST


MY BABY TYRESE...YES I WAS THERE UP IN FRONT!! Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Julia on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:00:00 PST

Check out this video: MY BABY TYRESE SINGIN SF 2/12/07!!!

MY BABY TYRESE SINGIN TO ME!!! Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Julia on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:57:00 PST

Check out this video: "Don't talk to me" -Fantasia

"Don't talk to me" -Fantasia Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Julia on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:18:00 PST

Check out this video: the things your man wont do -Joe

the things your man wont do -Joe Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Julia on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:17:00 PST

Check out this video: Tyrese

Tyrese Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Julia on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 04:35:00 PST

I can't wait....I love you Tyrese.....

I am going to see Tyrese....Fantasia....J. valentine....Joe....in concert on Monday the 12th.... Yeah Baby.... I am soooooooo excited....... I can't wait me and all my girls are gonna have a blast.......
Posted by Julia on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 04:04:00 PST

Just wanting to write.

I am sitting up thinking nothing better to do so I thought I would write. Something I used to love to do but have not done for sometime. Funny how life is.... Crazy like a whirlwind of events one afte...
Posted by Julia on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 12:25:00 PST