Switchblade Sister profile picture

Switchblade Sister

Don't be afraid of a little bit of pain...pleasure is on the other side

About Me

About me...well let me think about this one for a minute...okay times up. Well I have been blessed to encounter wonderful people in my life. I have the two most handsome young men (yes... young men even though they are only 6 and 7) a girl could ever ask for they give me so much to live for. In the most darkest times of life they will always be my light. I have The MOST WONDERFUL Best Friend in the world! She's got my back no matter what. She's B_E_A_U_T_I_F_U_L on the inside and out...really(not many people can say that and mean it). She's got me through more shit than she may even realize and I'm so thankful to have her as MY BEST FRIEND! Haha she's not yours and I don't like to share;p (just kidding). I have the greatest friends anybody could even wish for. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ALL OF YOU!! I am also very very fourtunate to have my baby daddy! No we're not together, no it's not like that either (you have a nasty mind), and we've been through hell and back ten times, but he still jumps through hoops for me...how many baby mama's can say that? Not that many. He's kinda like a secret service for me... just cause you don't see him,don't mean he ain't there, so be nice to me cause somebody might getcha, and it won't be me...Last but not least I'm very lucky to have my families and that is plural. You all know who you are...YESS I'm talking about you, and everyone above. I even have a great JOB. It may not be the most financially supportive, but the rewards I get from it are unexplainable. I actually like going to work...strange but true. I'm one blessed girl aren't I?... P.S. Don't be jealous...But on the real, you should be;p
Who Should Paint You: Gustav Klimt
Sensual and gorgeous, you would inspire an enchanting portrait..
With just enough classic appeal to be hung in any museum! What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?
You Are Lightning
Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You?I scored a 92% on the "How Vallejo are u tho?" Quizie! What about you?November Has lots of extraordinary ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinkforward. Unique. brilliant. Sharp thinking. Fine, strong clairvoyance. make good doctors. Dynamic. Secretive. Inquisitive. Know how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative. amiable. Brave. generous. Patient. Stubborn. hardhearted. Determined. Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked. Love to be alone. Think differently. Sharp-minded. Motivate self. Dont appreciate praises. Highspirited. Well-built, tough. Deep love, emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest. Keepsecrets. Cant control emotions. Unpredictable.
Jaeleen --
Visually addictive
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...I am truly one of a kind!


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What ya'll know 'bout these movies... I've got two roots for my tree who wants to be the third...


My friends... cause when life gets rough, I turn to them