.. Welcome
Thank you for visiting my art page on myspace. This is by far one of the greatest places to meet amazing people as well as interact with other artists. Please feel free to drop me a message, it may take a while for me to respond but I try to get back to everyone.
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About Me:
First and foremost I'm a creative person. I'm not a Lemming. Rules are really more like guidelines. I jaywalk. I speed down the highway. I take turns going 100. I make sure my paiissengers grab on to the "Oh-shit!" handle above the window at least once a ride unless they've told me they have issue with fast driving. I'm an extremely nice person and good at avoiding confrontation. I shut down when annoyed lest I say something irreversable. Don't confuse this with being a pushover, those days are long gone. I sometimes wish life had an "undo" button.
I'm Greek but was born in Canada. I'll explain to you how that works later. I speak three languages. I pride myself on being intelligent. I'm a jack-of-all-trades. I'm a nerd. I am a MOVIE WHORE! I'm an artist. I read. I go to the gym. I have a life beyond work. I love the use of eloquent language. I'm the guy you call when you're looking for a party and the person you get together with to have a one-on-one discussion over dinner.
I'm a cynic and critical. Over analytical. I have an opinion about everything yet I'm fully ready to admit being wrong, though it rarely happens. I'm highly susceptible to tunnel vision; I like to call it focus. Cut me slack and I'll become a slacker. I excel under pressure; I'm a clutch player.
In post-secondary school I emphasized my studies to become an Architect. I've put that aside for now to work on my art , some amazing projects, and producing the [art]iculated. events I began in 2005.
I don't confuse humanity with civility; they're not the same thing. Following your impulses makes you human. Not doing so makes you civil. That said, I don't know which I'd rather be.
In one of her emails, my friend Robyn wrote:
I really don't believe that one sets out in life planning to be an artist the way they would a lawyer, accountant or stockbroker. Instead, I think it's a calling -- it finds you. Being an artist is by no means easy, and one wouldn't intentionally choose a difficult journey without good reason. As much as being an artist is a gift, the concept of the artist is often romanticized and made to appear glamorous, when so often, it is just as much a burden. I really don't think someone consciously chooses to be an artist at all, but rather, nothing else fits or makes sense. It's having something important/relevant to say and being given a medium through which one channels that vision/voice. Some people are content having others speak for them, the rest feel compelled to keep searching for their own means of expression. It's never being truly happy and never feeling complete unless you are creating and able to express that inner life.....
I couldn’t agree more
What some have said about me:
I was looking at your profile while holding [my baby], and as I was scrolling down the page looking at your work she stopped fussing and just stared at the pictures for a good 5 minutes. - Even infants know what's up!
I was a little skeptical about vector art at first to tell you the truth but now that I see others try to reproduce what you do, I see now how high of a level you are actually at....respect bro, you do some crazy shit.
I had a blast at [art]iculated., well done on the event and the new art; "cached." is now my favorite of all, and the tattoo series is going in a great new direction. I really enjoyed rubbing elbows with the likes of the [art]iculated. crowd, and meeting the artists in person was likewise excellent, thanks for putting together a top-notch event.
FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]
Are you still looking for models?
For my artwork I generally post bulletins &/or blogs when I'm looking for a specific look for a model. I am very selective about those who I choose to have in my artwork. I also offer portraits at a discounted price for myspace members [some conditions apply].
I'd like to give you a pic for your art. What are you looking for?
I get multiple requests a day to do portraits for people. Please keep in mind that my work isn't created by a simple click of a button which is why I charge a nominal fee for portraits. The pictures I like to work with typically:
Have a high level of Contrast/Shadows
Use Implied Motion (taken during movement)
Do not use a flash
Generally, I prefer pics where the subject isn't looking at the camera and isn't smiling too much.
Some Examples: [1] [2]
Do you sell your prints?
Yes, I sell my work. Please message me privately for a price list for whichever piece you're interested in
Do you have any of your work in galleries?
I'm currently in the process of locating galleries. If you know of anyone who would be interested in exhibiting them for me, please message me.
How do you make your artwork?
I use Adobe Illustrator [a computer program] and my photography for all my newest artwork. Commissioned portraits are sometimes done from submitted pictures due to long distance.
What filters do you use in Illustrator?
I don't use a filter, I do everything by freehand.
Does the quality of the picture I send you matter?
Although I'd rather have a clean and large photo, the quality of the picture is not detrimental. For instance, I used a webcam shot for my self portrait "Aviator."
When is the next [art]iculated. event?
The next event will be an art show in San Diego. The date is tentative
Your work looks like the movie "Waking Life" and "A Scanner Darkly." Have you seen those movies? Were you involved with them?
This is a question I get a LOT! I watched "Waking Life" for the first time in December '05 and realized the style was very much like my own. Needless to say, I did not work on that movie. But for all of you who haven't seen it, please watch it. It's an excellent philosophical movie with excellent art direction. "A Scanner Darkly" was released summer of '06 and I enjoyed that movie as well but unfortunately I was not involved with that either.
May I post your art on my page?
Yes, you may. As long as you create a link to my page I give you free reign to rape and pillage this space.
I don't live in California, can I still be in your art?
Yes, whether you live in the So Cal area or elsewhere, you can still be in my art or get commission a portrait as long as you have pictures you can send me and they meet my standards.
Where can I send you my pictures?
Send your photos to [email protected]
Can I be a part of the next [art]iculated. event?
Message me on myspace or write to me at [email protected] for more details.
Will [art]iculated. come to my city?
It is my goal to make [art]iculated. an international event but there are no current locations planed as of yet. If you would like to help organize one in your city please message me.
What's your real name?
My real name is Tasso. It's Greek, like me.
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