The Devil Lords - International Tattoo Tribe™ is an International Allied Brotherhood of Serious Tattoo and Skin Art Enthusiasts and Artists who join together for the purpose of personal and fraternal connection, interpersonal and group communication, the sharing of ideas, friendship, support, networking, and assistance with promoting reputable Tattoo Events, Conventions, and Activities. The D.L.I.T.T. seeks to build a state of camaraderie and fellowship thru the love of Tattoo and Skin Art. Our goal is to promote and maintain an Honorable and Dignified impression of the Tattoo World and Culture, to maintain its established identification as a true and respected art form, and to share a common passion for all things Tattoo and Skin Art.
We want to meet serious Ink Enthusiasts who meet the qualifications of honor, integrity, commitment, loyalty, and dedication to help take the D.L.I.T.T., and the respectful promotion of Tattoo and Skin Art to increasingly higher levels of positive recognition and image. Our goal is to promote and maintain an Honorable and Dignified impression of the Tattoo World and Culture, to maintain its established identification as a true and respected art form, and to share a common passion for all things Tattoo and Skin Art. The Devil Lords – International Tattoo Tribe™ does not discriminate based on ethnicity, religious or political affiliation, sexual orientation, or age over 18, however use of discriminatory or inflammatory communication will result in dismissal from the tribe. Membership is promoted as a "brotherhood" with respectful ties to the various "sister" groups with similar interests.
The Devil Lords truly Love and Respect our Sisters in Ink, the Gypsy Queens - And you should too!
Check out these Tattoo Conventions and Events
D.L.I.T.T. Members, Friends, and Supporters
Each week the Devil Lords - International Tattoo Tribe™ will feature one D.L.I.T.T. Member / Friend in this spot. Just hit their photo and it will take you to their MySpace page. Take some time to get to know your Inked brothers and sisters - Send them a friend invite if they're not already on your friends list! Inked...One World, One Family!©
John Millhouse - R.I.P. Brother
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All the Children of the World - As they work to create a future for themselves on this planet that they've inherited.
The greatest Respect and Admiration goes out to all the pioneers of the modern era Tattoo industry, the artists and visionaries who forged the way for the Tattoo Artform to be what it is today, such as Lew the Jew Alberts, J.F. Barber, Charlie Barrs, Tom Berg, Milton Zies, Pinky Yun, Youlee, George "Doc" Webb, Percy Walters, Charlie Wagner, Cap Coleman, Sailor Jerry Collins, Albert Cornelissen, Peter de Hann, Amund Dietzel, Rick Harnowski, Ray Youngman, Pop Eddy, Bob Shaw, Al Schiefley, Paul Rogers, Joe Queen, Smokey Nightingale, J.R. Madisson, Sutherland MacDonald, Charlie Snow, Al Kemp, Lyle Tuttle, Shanghai Kate Hellenbrand, Gill Monte, C.W. Eldridge, Don Ed Hardy, Duke Kaufman, Owen Jensen, Greg Irons, Bert Grimm, Martin Hilderbrandt, Ole Hansen, Charlie Geizer, Sailor George Fosdick, Sailor Gus, Charlie Weston, Jerry Proski, Horiyoshi III, and Jack Rudy to name a few.
And also absolute Respect and Admiration to all the Tattoo Enthusiasts who brought the original recognition of the Tattoo Artform to the public eye - not always accepted, and often ostracized, but they pushed forward with their own unique strengths and determination, such as Betty Broadbent, Captain Elvy, Artoria Gibbons, Jack Dracula, Mildred Hull, Irene Woodward, Lady Viola, Leo Leopold, Olive Oatman, Painless Jack Tryon, May Vandermark, Elizabeth Weinzirl, the Great Omi and our true brother and friend John Millhouse to name a few.
The D.L.I.T.T. also has much Love and Respect for all the Inked Sister groups such as the Gypsy Queens who share many of the same ideals as the Devil Lords in this crazy world of Tattoo and Skin Art!