LOVES:I'm married to a beautiful woman and we have three beautiful children. I own and run a small light haulage company, which pays for a decent life . I love tattoos, piercings and body art in general. I have numerous tattoos and piercings and am toying with the idea of getting some scarification work done, I think it looks the dogs bollocks. I found out at a young age that I was a lesbian, and I hope to return to Lesbia some time to see where my heritage comes from. I am told that it is rich in dykes of all shapes and sizes, I wonder if i'll get to stick my finger in any? I like sick jokes, decent conversation real ale, decent red wine and single malt Scotch. I was a biker until life bit me in the arse and I had to sell my ZX6-R Ninja - gutted to say the least. But shit happens.HATES:I detest religion with a passion, it has caused and continues to cause so much hatred and suffering that any intelligent society allowed to think for itself would have made it illegal a long time ago.Islamic fundies piss me off the most by far.It's quite simple, if you do not like how we live and do things in OUR country, please fuck off somewhere else. And instead of protesting in OUR streets about how much you hate us, whilst at the same time enjoying the benefits of our free society (benefits not allowed in an islamic state) why not try getting a job and contributing to society you ignorant f**ks. All these motherfu**ers have brought to our country is hatred and division, which of course then becomes our fault. I never did figure out how other people's refusal to integrate into the society that they chose to live in became the fault of the indigenous population. I must have missed that memo.And what is it with this almost inherent fear of fanny that is rife amongst those of a religious affliction?I also f***ing hate chavs and pikeys, I just don't see the point in their existence. They only serve to f***ing irritate those of us that get off of our arses and make decent lives for ourselves.I really am quite approachable though, I just have no time for waste of space arseholes. Just talk to me, I won't bite. Unless you want me to of course.Oh, and G Dubya Bush, if I ever get my hands on you, I'm gonna rip you apart you disgusting excuse for a human being. This is the one and only time that I will not make excuses for a retards behaviour, you are a c**t and you need to hang.It is not just the fact that your lies and law breaking have led to the deaths, not only of hundreds of coalition servicemen, and thousands of innocent children that makes me physically sick, it's your fucking 'couldn't give a shit' attitude.What goes around around,comes around, you inbred fuckwit.
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||| 42%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 66%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 66%
Borderline |||||||||||||||| 62%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 38%
Avoidant |||||||||| 34%
Dependent |||||||||||| 42%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||| 62% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by similarminds.comThis should not be happening. There's always money for a war, always money to line MP's pockets but only lip service for people who really need help.The disgusting amount of tax payers money that Dubya has spent on killing Iraqis in the last three months alone would almost wipe out hunger in the third world.We should remember that he is a christian though, and that these children are not white Anglo Saxon.We should also remember that most governments in the developed world are run by gutless sacks of shite, who'd rather drop a daisy cutter on a school playing field than drop a bag of wheat.And they would rather support child murdering bastards like the Israelis, rather than pull them into line and give back what does not belong to them.This should not be happening.What kind of a 'god' allows this? Blogs - ARE CREATIONISTS AND ID BELIEVERS PATRIOTIC? - ATHEISTS AGNOSTICS SKEPTICS