I am most interested in music. Cooking is my other big interest. They go hand in hand don't you think? Now if someone could just invent the edible cd? I would consume my whole collection.
My wife when she was a teenager. Anyone who loves Music, Guitars and Jesus. Oh Yeah..people who love to cook. Any bands that are wanting to play in the TN area. Let me know if I can help by putting up flyers or even checking out places you would like to play in the Cleveland, Ahens, or Chattanooga area. I wanna help.
Here are some of my favorites: Bride, Barren Cross, Bloodgood, Stryper, Balance of Power, Lance King, Disciple, Deliverance, Tourniquet, Michael Sweet, Guardian, Faithbomb, Seventh Avenue, Holy Soldier, Angelica, Antithesis, Cage, Rob Rock, Project 86, P.O.D., Blindside, Narnia, Nailed, Rage of Angels, Watchmen, Mastedon, Painted Soul, Ultimatum, Sacred Warrior, Saint, Joe Satriani, Vinnie moore, tony Macalpine, Jeff Scheetz, Steve Vai, joey Taffola, Sin Dizzy, Whitecross, Veni Domine, Recon, Zaxas, Pastor Brad, Zion, X-Sinner, Teramaze, Shroud, Mortification, Messiah Prophet, Xalt, Galactic Cowboys, Marty Friedman, Petra, Die Happy, Global Warning, Jacobs Dream, Jet Circus, Rivera/Bomma, OIL, Theocracy, Forevertree, Fear Not, Ken Tamplin, Laudamus...and a whole alot more!!
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars Movies, Transformers the movie(good heavy music).
Iron Chef, most cooking shows, football games, The Dead Zone, Any show about Sharks! Sienfeld. I really do not watch much TV. It is too polluted with worthless trash for me to bother anymore. MTV is nothing but soft porn!! What ever happened to the ugly bands that got by with the music they played and not the looks? Oh well....shallow generation. Or is it?
The Holy Bible. I used to read a lot of fantasy novels, I lost interest. I like to read a lot of cooking type books and food related stuff. Autobiography books are cool.
Jesus Christ is the one and only hero That I look up to!! I do however, support our awesome military for what they are doing. God Bless you people and the sacrifice you are all making.