Bicycling....baking...exploring...traveling as many places as possible...reading fantastic books...Chinese approach to health...learning...perspective...
other zombies
always it
Movies have always served as a nice distraction. SO many good ones, so many bad ones.:I enjoy Snatch/The usual suspects/Pulp Fiction//Waking Life/Almost Famous/Life Underwater/TMNT: Secret of the OOze/Charlie Kaufman films/Most films with Johnny Depp/ 28 days later/Zoolander/Garden State...bored yet? Also love The Last Waltz and most live Music DVD's...
I try to avoid it, tho get sucked in by it's seduction Occasionally
Fortunately and Unfortunately I sort of have a goldfish memory. I've read hundreds of fantastic books and can't even pretend to remember them all. Right now I'm reading The Wealthy Barber by: David Chilton, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, often refering to The Prophet if you don't know it's by Kahlil Gibran, The Bible Fact or Fiction (Christianlty is interesting) and just finished...again Slaughterhouse Five by the one and only Kurt Vonnegut.....that's what I got right now....oh and also just finished The Real Frank Zappa. So....pretty random...I'm going to finish Diet for a Small Planet one day also