Member Since: 11/15/2007
Band Members: Aaron Wheeler
Influences: Rainer Bruninghaus, Claude Debussy, Chick Corea, Avishai Cohen, Esbjorne Svensson, Pierre Bensusan, Frank Zappa, Igor Stravinsky, Daft Punk, Jagga Jazzist, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Pre-fuse 73, Phil Collins, Akufen, Miklos Roza. Amon Tobin, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Todd Baker, Robert Bagshaw, Ben Wheeler, Nigel Thompson, Aphex Twin, Cinematic Orchestra, E.S.T, Xploding Plastix, Bonobo, Square Pusher, Steely Dan, Alva Noto, Max Tundra, Venetian Snares, The Books, Boards of Canada, Autechre, Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheany, Stan Getz, BT, Plaid, Stephen Moleneux, Bjork, John Williams, Danny Elfman, Thomas Newman, Maurice Ravel, Bach, Prince, Genesis, The Beach Boys, The Band, Mike Oldfield, Kings of Convenience, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rasmus (the house producer), Jan Garbarek, Four Tet, Battles, Kraftwerk, ECM records,
Non-Musical Influential People (as relevant to me as the music influences):
Stephan Molyneux, George Carlin, Timothy Freak, Bill Hicks, Lenny Bruce, Lewis Black, Stuart Lee, Richard Dawkins, Aristotle, Dr Bruce Lipton, William Cooper, Graham Hancock, Dr. Richard Berendzen, David Icke, Tony Robbins, Bill Bryson, Carl Jung, George Orwell, Alex Jones, Alduos Huxley, Peter Joseph, Frank Zappa's philosophy, Joe Mcfall, Raymond Wiley, Zecharia Sitchin.
Sounds Like: Aphex Twin, Prefuse 73, Daft Punk, Jagga Jazzist, Bonobo, Four Tet, meets Frank Zappa, Michael Jackson, Stravinsky, Avishai Cohen, Debussy, Chick Corea, Esjbourn Svensson.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None