Kumar profile picture


Meh... Define = Confine

About Me

G��]<0�����$ �€���!!1�!

YES, "Kumar" is my REAL NAME.

Carbon-based life form
Terrestrial origin suspected

My Interests

Interest is subjective
Jeet Kune Do
G/I clubs

Das Bunker (EVERY friday)
Malediction Society (every sunday)
Perversion (every thursday)

I'd like to meet:

NINJAS. Pirates SUCK, and need not apply!
artists Creative juice is symbiotic
martial artists I've got gloves and headgear, and you can only learn so much in the classroom.

Hey. If I don't know you, why would I add you as a friend? Send me an interesting or entertaining message first, we'll talk, then we'll see about that whole Friends thing. My mouse pointer hungers to click the 'Deny' button, so that message better be entertaining.
Don't know me? Sent me a add friend request without bothering to send a message?
My hungry mouse pointer FEASTS on the juicy meat of your Denial.

Man, what the hell is there to do in Chatsworth?


Power Noize
Rhythm Noize
Lots of NOIZE, goddamnit!

For the unenlightened among you, "noize" is a subcatagory of Industrial.

For those of you who don't know them, there's a couple guys I know who make some kick-ass industrial/electronic music.

One is Vuxnut, found here:
Go give his music a listen. More music of his can be found here:
click the "music" link on the right side.
When combined with Victo Ecret , another absolutely kick-ass ass-kicker, they form W.A.S.T.E. I love these guys.

Another badass is The Operative, found here:
Put this man behind a mixer and a turntable and he transforms into an industrial NINJA! He'll mix old-school hip-hop samples and freestyle beats and forge them into a weapon to kick your ass, and he'll do it while breakdancing. Unfortunately he doesn't post as much stuff online. Look for his work on the Das Bunker compilation.


That damn "Harold & Kumar etc" movie is going to be the death of me. Being born in Canada was made bad enough by South Park and unclever people endlessly parroting "blame canada" in the vain hope that somebody else's wit will rub off on them. Make some original jokes, people! Don't just borrow from others!
I want to see a fight between Emperor Palpetine and General Zod .

I just saw Ichi The Killer. I want to be Ichi when I grow up. Only without the crying.
If you liked Peter Jackson's LOTR, you should check out his earlier works, Bad Taste and Meet The Feebles . GENIUS.


Television rots your brain. Watching TV makes me feel like I'm being insulted.
I like TV when it's hooked up to teh PLEHSTEHSHON!

And how could I forget about INVADER ZIM?!?!?1/1/


Zen And The Art of YOUR MOM
Samurai Cat series by Mark E Rogers

For clue into how I view the world, read Metamagical Themas: Questing For the Essense of Mind and Pattern by Douglas R Horfstadter

The Physics Of Superheroes by James Kakalios
If you're a geek like me, this is a very entertaining review of the major principles of physics, done via explanation for a variety of superheroes' powers.


Lee Jun Fan
Dan Inosanto
Surachai Sirisute
Ashram from Record Of Lodoss War
Gai from Martian Successor Nadesico
Jin from Samurai Champloo

Kings Hawaiian Bakery & Restaurant

If I had to choose a religion, I would worship before the altars of Sarcasm and Exaggeration.

My Blog

Weapons & Wine

Nevermind! W & W not happening.Still appreciate winery recommendations, though.
Posted by Kumar on Wed, 14 May 2008 04:39:00 PST

Need to find a home for our cat.

Does you want a cat?Does anybody you know want a cat?Is there anybody you know who could be convinced to take a cat?As I mentioned in a previous journal entry, we’re trying to find a new home fo...
Posted by Kumar on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:02:00 PST

gimme phone numbers

So. Replaced my phone last month.Lost all the old phone numbers.In case you're one of those people who didn't catch my bulletin, send me a message with your phone number. Hell, leave it in a reply to ...
Posted by Kumar on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:28:00 PST

answers to that poll i made up

I posted a poll a little while ago with 10 pretty-much bullshit questions. Here are the answers I got! 1. If I were a flavor of ice cream, what would I be?Nonsense. You wouldn't eat ice cream.I'd be V...
Posted by Kumar on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 06:32:00 PST

The Axe

Too much internet redundancy. If you USED to be on my buddy list, but now you aren't, it doesn't mean I dislike you. Just choose a reason from the list below-1) I don't really know you.2) We already h...
Posted by Kumar on Sat, 13 May 2006 07:57:00 PST

Top 8

What's the point of the MySpace "Top 8" or whatever? Is it for convenience, so that you might uh... look at your favorite peeps without having to search through your friend list? Is it a public demons...
Posted by Kumar on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:30:00 PST


Alright, people, I signed up. WHERE'S TEH MAGIC?
Posted by Kumar on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST