Design, cooking, food, scrabble, debauchery.
People who are hygienically inclined and who have good bone structure.
Digitaline, Heartthrob, Gaiser, Sweet n' Candy, Alex Under, Lazy Fat People, Bruno Pronsato, Soulphiction, Giorgio Moroder, Joy Division, Kalimari, Cadenza, Clink, Perlon, Esperanza, Klickhaus, Philpot, etc
The 400 Blows, Fox and His Friends, Down by Law, Julien Donkey Boy, El Topo, The Holy Mountain, Wickerman, everything by Werner Herzog
Ham on Rye, Breakfast of Champions, Illuminations, Reflections, Simulacra and Simulation, The Satanic Verses, Peirce on Signs: Writings on Semiotic, Discipline and Punish, Nausea