Hi, My name is Russell Prisco and I am an official Child Shield U.S.A. Representative and protector of children. Each day 2,000 children are reported missing, lost or stolen.
Ignorance will NOT keep your child safe! Education will, and I am here to educate parents and grandparents about how to keep children out of the deadly grasp of child predators.
There are currently 603,245 Registered Sex Offenders in the U.S. and more than 7x that amount of them slip through the cracks of the justice system. Protect Your Child Today!
Official Site:
Call me, Russell Prisco, at
(906) 296-2700
to learn how you can now protect your child!
Last year over 1,000,000 (1 million) children were reported missing in this country.
Only about 100 were kidnapped.
In most cases child molesting predators DO NOT kidnap children. They spend weeks, months or years befriending the parent before taking the child.
Child molesting predators have websites, chat rooms and even organizations where they learn how to gain access to your child and not get caught.
Are you educated on their most recent tactics?
Did you know there is a technique that child molesting predators are using to gain the trust and gratitude of a parent and befriend their child in less than 30 seconds, right in public?
Did you know most children are taken by someone known to the parent?
Did you know having your child become missing has surpassed all other forms of losing a child? (example; car accident, illness, etc.)
Did you know 90% of convicted child molesters will reoffend, only 3% get caught again?
Did you know for every crime a child molester is convicted of, there are, on average, 8 others they are responsible for?
Did you know for every Registered child molester in a given neighborhood there are 5 to 8 others that haven't been caught or met the state requirements to be registered?
Did you know the most recent statistics from the FBI state: 44% of abducted children are dead within 1 hour, 75% are dead within 3 hours and nearly 100% of the abducted children are dead within 24 hours?
Call me, Russell Prisco, at (906) 296-2700 to learn how you can now protect your child