Well...my interests change depending on whether or not I'm getting ready for a competition. If I'm dieting...nothing interests me more than Specialties Cookies...hehehe...Seriously, when I'm dieting, I love seeing how Kuya Erick changes my body with every workout. It's amazing how far I can push my physique. Every time I think there's just nothing left and my arm/back/legs/shoulders/whatever is just about to fall off...I surprise myself with those extra 2-3 reps.So when I'm not dieting, I'm way more mellow and love to just be with my close friends and family. I hit the lounges and clubs with my girls and the best part is...I don't have to worry about whether or not this restaurant serves tilapia! I can eat whatever I want...up to a certain point of course.hehehe...2007 North American BB & Figure Championships2007 USA BB & Figure Championships
I would like to meet my favorite figure competitors Jenny Lynn. Actually, I've met her before but I was too star struck to say anything..DUH!!! If I ever get the chance to meet her again...I'm definitely picking her brain about competing in this crazy sport!
I love the 80s!!!
I love staying up on the latest issues of Oxygen, Hers Muscle and Fitness, and US Weekly (hey...I need to keep up with the latest Hollywood gossip...helps the cardio go by faster!) Any book with a positive message on life will usually grab my attention.
My family...who has given me everything. Kuya Rich, who led me to the right path in my life, who led me to realize that sometimes I need to be willing to sacrafice some things to get to the top and for helping me to realize what is important....To my Kuya Erick and TeamGarcia for pushing me to make changes within myself...to be stronger mentally and physically. i love you guys ... Thanks to my girls for your support in this industry, I could not have done this without you guys...