i als "xiringuitus" de la Barceloneta podies menjar el millor peix del món
assegut en una taula a la sorra de la platja. No se com ni exactament quan però
si que se que després de moltes voltes vaig veure per fi (!) que la música
era la meva vida i me'n vaig anar a Holanda, on les ciutats son molt netes
i organitzades, a estudiar guitarra al conservatori. Allà vaig conèixer i tocar
amb músics molt bons. Jazz, Bossanova.... Ara soc a Nova York tocant i descobrint
quina és la meva veu en aquest món.
I was born in the Barcelona of the seventies when it was a dirty and chaotic
city and in the Barceoneta borough “xiringuitus†you could eat the best fish in the
world sitting on a table right on the beach sand. I know neither how nor exactly
when but what I do know is that after some turns around I finally (!) realized music
was my life and I went to The Netherlands, where cities are clean and organized, to
study guitar at the conservatory. There I had the opportunity to play with very fine
musicians. Jazz, Bossanova … Currently I’m in New York playing and finding my
voice in this world.
Esteu escoltant temes tocats amb el meu quintet de Barcelona. Totes son composicions meves. Espero que us agradin!.
Playing tunes performed with my Barcelonian quintet. All of them are originals. Hope you like it!.
Joel Moreno Codinachs - GuitarraRoc Albero - Trompeta
Jordi Santanach - Saxo alto
Oriol Roca Dalmau - Contrabaix
Oriol Roca Parera - Bateria
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