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Shellie On The Move

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About me. . .hummmm. I’ve found that most people don’t really tell their complete or better yet true story, so here’s a genuine sample of me. . .Sure, I say 32 again! People tell me that I should consider myself blessed. Of course I do! I can say “I’m 32 yet AGAIN”. LOLLL I’m always asked. . .32 and single, why? Well, let me tell you a brief story first. It’s difficult finding a partner with the same interest in these days and times. I am a house head. If you don’t know the meaning of that. . .here goes, I LOVE house music. I have other interests of course. We all do. My love for house music is pretty much only understood by other house heads. When you’re in the club the music compels you to dance. We as adults thru life’s experiences must find ways to relieve the daily stress in our lives. I've found that dancing works best for me. What most people don’t know about me is that I was exposed to music as a kid. Actually, I played many instruments in school and was pretty good. Don’t laugh. Which ones you say. . .violin, cello, flute and the piano. I was good enough to be recommended and accepted in a special music school. I also sang in the school choir. Get this. . .appeared on TV too until puberty and my voice changed from soprano to alto LOL Surprisingly enough I don’t play or sing any longer, but that was the beginning of my appreciation for music. Much respect goes out to all those involved in this industry for without them I’m not sure what my life would be like. Now, to answer the question. . .my last relationship was undone because of his lack of understanding of that passion. There is no compromising my passion for house music and that’s why I’m single. .

My Interests



House. . .House. . .and more House! Well, there are those sudden urges to hear some classical, jazz, R B, and rock.


Kung fu, horror, mystery, comedy. Just about anything except old black & white movies.


XM Radio, Food TV Network and movie channels.