Do you really believe that a man can change its nature? Man. What is a man? We are not men. We are evil puppets thrown in darkness. We are demons and you know that you can not escape from your past and when the fear start to move, you wash your future with blood and everything you leave behind will be only a heap of ruins. You know that everyone you need, friends or enemies, sooner or later die and in the end even the tears're used up and so the terror pervades you without leaving the faculty of reason, leaving you alone with your instincts. Fear. We are made of fear. The basic matter of that creature called man.--------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------This project borns five years ago from an idea of Dario and Riccardo(vocals), which decided to cteate a band with a very extreme and heavy sound. In autumn 2007 they start searching musicians, and they found Riccardo, Mauro, and Fabrizio.
Now you can listen to those songs recorded during a practice. Enjoy and, if you want, say what you think of it.
Il progetto Orodreth nasce cinque anni fa da un idea di Dario e Riccardo (Voce),
che decisero di creare una band con un sound estremo e pesante come solo il buon Death-Metallo ci può dare. Nell'autunno 2007 cominciarono a cercare musicisti, e trovarono Riccardo, Mauro e Fabrizio.
Quattro mesi dopo il gruppo cominciò a suonare nei locali ed a registrare la loro demo intitolata "The high flame of hate" che contiene le loro prime quattro canzoni.
Ora è possibile sentire quelle canzoni registrate durante una prova in presa diretta. Godetevele e diteci cosa ne pensate.
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