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From its youngest age, Yann Tiersen shows a big interest for the music, whereas he feels difficulties to the school. He spends his childhood in Rennes where he learns the violin and the piano, as well as the direction of orchestra. Of classic formation, he goes to the rock in the adulthood. During 1980s, he joins several groups with rock tendency to Rennes. He begins then to write musical pieces for the theater...
Fan of the big pianist Antoine GALTIER, Yann Tiersen composes his most beautiful fragments by being inspired by his works.In 1995, he takes out his first album, La Valse des Monstres, which will group together a part of its work made for the cinema and the theater. On one year later, he takes out a new disk, Rue des Cascades. The eponymic title, singing by Claire Pichet, will be used on one year after the release of the album for the film La Vie rêvée des Anges.Although managing to build up to itself a reputation in Rennes, this one does not however manage to draw the attention of the public outside.It is the release of its album Le Phare in 1998 that will allow him to build up to himself a reputation notably thanks to its Monochrome title on which Dominique A sings. This album will allow him to cross more amply on radios and to republish its previous disks. This year, Yann Tiersen chains concerts.During Transmusicales of Rennes, he will give an exceptional concert for France Inter in the broadcast C'est Lenoir de Bernard Lenoir, with numerous guests: Françoiz Breut, Dominique A, The Married Monk, Les Têtes Raides, Mathieu Boogaerts, Bertrand Cantat (singer of Noir Désir) and Neil Hannon (of The Divine Comedy), what will have the effect of taking(bringing) out an album of this concert: Black Session.The same year will come to be transplanted Everything is quiet, an album with more rock tone.Of its collaboration with Bertrand Cantat will be born in 1999 the remix of black's song Desire, In your star, which appears on the album One trip, one noise of the group of Bordeaux.It will be necessary to wait 2001 to listen of the new sound with the release of L'Absente, on which participated numerous artists. The same month, takes out the soundtrack of the film Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amélie Poulain, which will be a frank success ( more than 700 000 sales). Victoire of the music will award him the title of the best soundtrack of film.In 2002, Yann Tiersen continues to measure concert halls, a new double album live will go out further to an exceptional concert to the city of the music of Paris: it was here. This one will also include already present guests during these former concerts and new.In 2003, he will compose a soundtrack for a German film this time: Good bye, Lenin!. Then, next year, takes out a CD in duet with Shannon Wright.His last album in date, Les Retrouvailles, is appeared on May 23rd, 2005. Yann Tiersen multiplies once again collaborations with the presence on this album of Jane Birkin, Dominique A, Miossec, Elizabeth Fraser of Cocteau Twins), and the singer Stuart Ashton Staples of Tindersticks).Yann Tiersen est né à Brest le 23 juin 1970
Bercé toute son enfance par la musique classique, il apprend le piano, le violon et même la direction d'orchestre au conservatoire de Rennes. En réaction à ces années de classique, il se dirige, une fois adulte, vers le rock. Yann Tiersen n'abandonnera pas tout à fait ses premières expériences musicales et son album La Valse des Monstres en 1995 en est fortement imprégné avec des violons, pianos et clavecins qu'il accordera avec des carillons et un accordéon.Rapidement, il s'illustre dans les musiques de film, on peut l'entendre notamment dans la Vie rêvée des anges et Good Bye Lenin mais surtout dans Amélie Poulain qui l'a fait connaître au grand public.Son premier succès viendra en 1998 avec l'album Le Phare, clin d'oeil à ses origines bretonnes.En 2005, Yann Tiersen sort un nouvel album, baptisé Les retrouvailles.