Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) profile picture

Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer)

The terrorists took part of our freedom on 9/11--not George Bush. ~SHIP

About Me

I am sincerely driven to be an active member of society; we must leave the next generation better than the way we found it. This mindset is not only my desire; it is the responsibility I will undertake for the rest of my life.

My Interests

First and foremost, I have so many things I enjoy doing. Just remember, I am very open-minded and enjoy experiencing new things.I am a writer because that is what my heart and my head tells me to do.Of the other interests I can think of, reading, politics, volunteer work, running, dining out, leadership, movies, comics, singing (I love to sing!!!), listening to music, and spending quality time with friends, all come to mind.Of all my interest, reading and writing really are my favorites. I love quiet spots where I can think, relax, unwind, and write and read to my hearts desire. The main thing that gets my heart "a-pumpin" is knowledge! I love to learn and create--period!

I'd like to meet:



I love classical music the most:J.S. Bach(my favorite), Mozart(the most talented), Beethoven (the most emotional), Vivaldi (imagination inspiring), Aaron Copeland(most patriotic), John Williams, John Barry.I also like the music from the 30s to 60s:Franks Sinatra(best singer of all time), Tony Bennet(the "cool cat"), Dean Martin (the Italian swooner), Johnny Cash (the Prodigal Son), Elvis(the "revolutionist"), Sam Cook(the smoothest voice), etc.I like modern music too, like techno, country, rock, and alternative, but not heavy metal and rap (they are much too degrading for my taste). e=related


I love all kinds of movies! Action, non-fiction, musicals, dramas and epic films are usually the top of my "too see" list. I really have too many favorite movies to list. A few great ones to mention, though, are "Saving Private Ryan," any Clint Eastwood "flick," "Guys and Dolls," Will Farrell movies, the "Die Hard" movies, "Letters From Iwo Jima," "The Hunt For Red October," the Superman movies, The Indiana Jones movies, the Bond Movies (Casino Royale is OUTSTANDING), "Batman Begins," "Munich," and many many more. When I am selecting a movie I think of two main things. 1) I think of whether or not this movie can inspire me. 2) I am wondering if this movie will test my mind. If I don't select the top two, I just want to unwind and have some fun...enters Will Farrell.


Television Dramas: Smallville (Season Seven has been AWESOME thus far), Rome (the Best HBO show EVER made), "24" (EVERY country needs a Jack Bauer), and Entourage (I love these fools). Informative Television: Foxnews, CSPAN 1,2, and 3, the History Channel, the Learning Channel, CNN (Sometimes these folks tick me off), the Cooking Network (I love cooking), ESPN 1 and 2 (I love my share of sports).


I love, love, and love books. I read all the time and think learning new things is a great journey. I love politics, history, leadership, economics, and management books! Boring, eh? I know I am a Geek, but I prefer to be real and do the things that make me happy.


JC, my Father and Mother, all the troops fighting and dying for freedom, Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, John McCain, Ronald Reagan (the Greatest American President), George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy (NOT HIS BROTHER TEDDY), Judge Napolitano, the Conservative Justices on the Supreme Court (Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Scalia), John Locke, Adam Smith, Winston Churchill, Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Bruce Willis, Neil Boortz, Sean Hannity, Shepard Smith, Neil Covuto, Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler, John C Maxwell (my favorite author), and Billy Graham.Fictional Hero: SUPERMAN.

My Blog

NEW YORK CITY for the Summer

Friends,I took a great summer job in New York City.  I will be on less, but feel free to contact me any time, concerning anything.God Bless,Paul Christian
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:38:00 PST

Essay 1 Follow Up: Tips for Attaining Spirituality

Consider these helpful tips in gaining spirituality: Always get in touch with God by creating a relationship.  In our relationships with one another, we work emotionally to cohere with...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:10:00 PST

Essay 1: Finding our Purpose Through Spirituality

    One of the things I ponder from time-to-time is the function of purpose in life.  Nobody can sincerely foresee the future with omnipotent swagger, but, undoubtedly, we strive t...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:38:00 PST

Introduction to My Book

What I aim to achieve is peace in our Republiclet the words offered and meanings presented be the sole intention of this book.  The aim, though lofty to some, can be achieved when our American b...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:37:00 PST

"GOP, Vote for Hillary!" Rush Might Not have it Right

Yesterday, on the "world famous Rush Limbaugh Radio Show," (I thought I would be over the top since Limbaugh has a propensity for ostentatious piety), Mr. Limbaugh urged voters in Texas to "vote for H...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:46:00 PST

McCain vs. Obama: Round One Goes to "Honey Loving" McCain

Senator Obama continues to confound the state of veracity. In the last couple of days, drama has hooked its bait: the Iraq war. The players involved, Senators McCain and Obama, have traded quips about...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:14:00 PST

Obamas Foreign Policy Blunder

As President, Obama will crucify the future of America in an inexperienced set of actions cloaked in the mantra of "change." What change we offer, however, can doom us or benefit us, but it certainly ...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:08:00 PST

I Have Plans

Friends,Today I have decided to push my limits and write a book.  I have been sorting through a couple of good ideas, at least from my standpoint, and feel impelled to elaborate on the topic matt...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:18:00 PST

A Quick Tribute to Alaska: Super Tuesday’s Analysis

With a long Super Tuesday behind us, we are left bamboozled by yet another surprising day in this wacky primary and caucus year.   Being the political aficionado, I am left in awe of such a ...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:07:00 PST

Cliffs Notes Version of the State of the Union Address

The Cliffs Notes Version of the State of the Union Address Many of us in the rat-race of busy American life do not really foster the time to watch the State of the Union Address. Since this address...
Posted by Paul Christian (NYC Bound For the Summer) on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:28:00 PST