Morph profile picture


Morph: RECORDING NEW SONGS!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

For The Man Himself. R.I.P Dimebag 1966 - 2004
Thanks to Oleeeeee for these pics, visit him by clicking here Olee Morris ***NEWS***
Right, we know we've been lazy buggers of late, but we've written a load of new stuff and we're just awaiting another free weekend in which to record it! We're gigging again now (see below - Nelson Inn on Feb 2nd), so watch this space...
Morph at The Vaults, Cirencester Apologies for the sound quality, this was recorded on a mobile. Thanks Dan, we owe you a beer!
Morph have been together for almost four years now, and have gigged extensively in the UK. We have a loyal local fanbase who are extremely supportive and have been known to go to tremendous lengths to get to gigs. At the end of 2004 we recorded our third demo CD, Who's Your Hero Now?, which has been very well received, and some of which can be heard here on MySpace.
In the summer of 2004, we played at the TMF festival in Essex, alongside such rock giants as Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster, Winnebago Deal and Breed 77. It was a great opportunity for us to play to a proper festival audience, and a lot of fun and sunburn was had by all, which was nice.
Morph's sound is visceral, crunchy, energetic and raw, while remaining melodic and even delicate in places. The band do occasionally nod in the direction of bands like Vex Red, Muse, System of a Down, Placebo, Inme and Smashing Pumpkins, but the sound they have crafted is entirely their own. The lyrics are brittle, wistful and beautifully written, and Duncan's stunning voice weaves them through the powerful wall of guitars, tugging at something primal and emotional in the listener as it goes.
Live review The Hope and Anchor, May 18 2004 "Morph are next up - with a heavy, rythmical set. Many thoughtful moments are set out with intricate drumming and mellow guitar parts - but the band absolutely thunder into gear when they have a mind to. There's a nu-metal urgency here, especially evident in the vocal lines, and combined with a strong groove there are some seriously impressive songs on offer. There is a hint of something more rootsy too - maybe Pearl Jam? All the band work hard, and the singer guitarist seems at ease playing some neat licks while holding down some great melodies. This three piece is a real class act - groove metal masters that we highly recommend."
CD review "MORPH - 'Minority of One.' Five tracks. 'Cherish' rips straight in with a killer riff, and quickly develops in to a well controlled, clever piece of rock/metal, and with a strong chorus to boot. 'All You Did' takes a while to get going - but is killer stuff, and 'Moment of Clarity' can be dark and sombre. An angry, jagged vibe is to be found on 'Knives' and 'Between Us' - riffs with rhythm and precision - and as always a strong chorus. A really tight and punchy act with enough great melody to really make an impact."
Morph are currently unsigned but working hard to make things happen, so watch this space...
MP3Songs: The site for unsigned artists
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/31/2005
Band Members: hey people, here’s your chance to get Morph famous!!!!!! By voting for us on the Download 2007 website.

To do this head over to the download forum, register (takes about a minute) and then vote for us to be considered for the line up! Comments are welcome but the vote is the vital part. here are the steps

:Click this link to go to the registration form

: Register

then once you have filled in the information and logged in click this link to take you straight to our vote page

: Morph

and hopefully vote yes!!! thanks for doin that we appreciate it


:If you want to join the Morph mailing list so you can keep up to date with all new information regarding, gigs, recording, songs and all other things Morph just fill your email address into the box below, thank you.

Want a mailing list for your MySpace page? Click Here You can also contact Morph at

visit our page at from Chris of band Harry Angel, (thought it was quite funny ourselves) "Thanks to Morph with an awesome heavy set, sounding as like they have pinned down brian molko from Placebo and forced him to listen to Tool until his head blew up" Cheers Chris!!

Duncan is our singer, guitarist and main songwriter. He writes the set lists and doesn't like it when you ruffle his hair. He did have a Haribo addiction a while back, but seems to be keeping it under control at the moment.

Dave is our drummer and the newest addition to the band. He is of average height and can waggle his eyebrows. He likes football and cherry bakewells, but he doesn't like salt in his tea - something he discovered recently in a predictable but amusing mishap.

Aeryn is our bass player and unofficial webmonkey. She is very tiny at 5'2" and is annoyed that her amp and cabs, when you pile them up, are taller than she is. She likes Marmite and will defend this opinion to the death.

adopt your own virtual pet!
Influences: Morph like:
Vex Red, System of a Down, Dream Theater, Placebo, Tool, Muse, Inme, rainbows, chinese food, Dylan Moran, anime, chocolate, and all that kind of stuff.
Morph don't like:
Sudden loud noises, places that don't have any tea, their day jobs.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

We're still here...

Promise!We've been doing, erm, not a lot since Christmas really. We've been writing and practicing loads, though, so we've got some new songs to play you guys when we start gigging again. Speaking of ...
Posted by Morph on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:47:00 PST

Our Dave!

I realise this is slightly overdue, but hurrah for Our Dave, who has agreed to fill the vacancy left by Our Rupert!We asked Dave, "do you reckon you could learn a song of ours by next Monday?"Dave sai...
Posted by Morph on Sat, 06 May 2006 03:37:00 PST

Rupert's leaving us... =(

Oh dear. We're down a drummer.After much discussion and much cogitating, Rupert has decided to leave us to concentrate on other musical endeavours. Of course we will still carry on, but I don't think ...
Posted by Morph on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 01:15:00 PST

Hope and Anchor

Our gig at the Hope And Anchor, Islington, has been postponed until the 6th of December. Anyone expecting to see us there next tuesday will be sorely disappointed. Sorry. But join us on the 6th for ...
Posted by Morph on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 05:45:00 PST

We're not playing the Rock anymore...

...but we're playing the Corn Hall Friday the 23rd Sept instead! We know it's short notice, but we want to drum up as much support as we can so if you're free and in the area next Friday come on dow...
Posted by Morph on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:47:00 PST

New MP3! Full title

Not really sure why I didn't put this one up before. it's from the same EP, "Who's Your Hero Now?", but the whole title is "I'm Better Than You Because I Have Nothing To Lose." It wouldn't let me put ...
Posted by Morph on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:40:00 PST

Cancelled Riverside gig

Our gig at Riverside Lechlade has been cancelled! Apologies to anyone who was going to be there. Unfortunately our van is shared with another local band, who booked a gig on the same night long before...
Posted by Morph on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 01:58:00 PST

Queen Vic, Swindonia

Fuckin' awesome gig at the Vic last night! Rising From Death were amazing, check them out at And "hi" to Fred and her Cort bass! Everybody was fab, especially those hardcore...
Posted by Morph on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 02:18:00 PST

Crackers gig

Was awesome! Not many people except Shane, and the carful he brought (Hi guys! U ROCK! ). Girl 13 were awesome, as were the first band (forgotten yr name! Sorry!). Many thanks to Sam for bringing Ru...
Posted by Morph on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 06:26:00 PST

White Horse Social club

Morph's first post! Last night was the White Horse Social Club in Cricklade, we managed not to get lost on the way in, so that was a good start. It was supposed to be Crayfish, but Felix had other c...
Posted by Morph on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 05:02:00 PST