Telling the world about Jesus, Guitar, painting, soccer, movies, traveling the road, reading and spending time with my wife Kate...
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Poor Old Lu, Leeland, Sufjan, Type Nine, Ruth the Band, Everyday Sunday, Mae, Aaron Sprinkle, Fair, Chris Tomlin. Shane and Shane, Manafest, KJ52, U2, Phil Keaggy, The Elms, Kutless, The Pale, Soulfood, David Crowder, John Reuben, Out of Eden, Souldeep, Dave Lubben, Seven Places, Grits,Soul P., Derek Webb, Rich Mullins,Fireflight, coldplay, Luna Halo, TJ Meany, Michael Card, Supertones, Wide Awake, Switchfoot, Jars of Clay, John Fischer, P.O.D., The Lonely Hearts, Johnny Cash, Redmark, Havalina Railroad Co., Jeff Deyo, Jason Morant and Paul Wright .. " .. " a href=" FpbC5jb20vcnV0aC9lY2FyZC8=" target="_
Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Elf, Walk the Line, Glory, The Passion, The Second Chance, Livin it, Livin it LA, The Invisible Children, and anything Rob Bell puts out.
Survivor, Travel the Road, Lost, So you think you can dance, Green Acres, The Amazing Race, MLB, and Fox News
The Bible, any travel book, The Unstoppable Force by Mcmanus, The Problem of Pain by Lewis, Hurt by Chap Clark, Telling the Story by Luis Palau, Bowling Alone by Putnam, The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer, Anything by Ravi Zacharias, and Power through Prayer by Bounds....and of coursed One Fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish by Dr. Suess
Jesus, Andrew the disciple, Rich Mullins, Luis Palau, The Late Doug West, Bono, Billy Graham, Dr. Bill Thomas, Gibson S., Vic Murphy, Leeland, Dallas Anderson, Scott Erikson, Tim Bryne, Derek White, Johnny Cash, Dallas Anderson, Brad Butcher, Mister Rogers, Andrew Palau, Lance Armstrong, the US Military, Steve Hill and Rob Bell