djkrazyk profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

hmmmmmmm.... What is there to know??? I barely remember what happened last night!!!!! =P

Click here to listen to my Launch radio station
Q: I'm an artist and was wondering how I can get airplay on your radio station?
A: You can send a copy of your music along with whatever else you guys put in your package (i.e. cover letter, business card, headshot, marijuana, etc.) to:
Attn: Music Director
900 Fort Street, Suite 700
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Q: Do you DJ private functions?
A: Yes I do.. If you're interested in booking my talents for your event, please send me a message stating the type of event, date, time(s), venue, expected attendance, and your contact information. I can then e-mail you back a price quote, and we can get the ball rolling from there.
Q: What type of events have you done?
A: let's see: weddings, birthdays, school dances, proms, nightclubs, bars, lounges, restaurants, retail events, corporate functions, Christmas events, luau, block parties, carnivals, and product expos to name a few.
Browse these trips on Yahoo! Trip Planner

My Interests

Cooking, sleeping, gaming, looking for my keys, photography, video production, anything las vegas, mixing music, mixing drinks, mixing drugs.... haha just kidding... at times I enjoy deleting spam, and then there are times I like to eat Spam. I enjoy looking for cheap eats, and places that serve breakfast after 10am.

I'd like to meet:


"Winners and losers in entertainment aren't decided by reason alone. Trends come and go, and sometimes great things don't sell." - Y. Minagawa

What type of partier are you? Your Result: Hardcore drunk

You are usually the first one at the bar, right after work, before anyone else gets there. You tend to be quite buzzed before a single of your friends show up, and keep on drinkin when they get there. You often forget your credit card at the bar and have to retreive it the next day, and can never believe the bill is so high. At parties, you are still drinking while most of the rest of the party is passed out and sleeping. It takes you forever to catch a buzz, and even longer for a buzz to go away. You're made for this lifestyle!

Bar Social Butterfly
Bar Slut
The Socialite
The designated driver
The rock-star party animal
The Lurker
What type of partier are you?
Make Your Own Quiz

What stereotype do you belong to? Your Result: No stereotype

not preppy yet not a complete loser. has good friends and doesn't revolve life around their looks or social status. All around good person. usually liked by everyone

What stereotype do you belong to?


all kinds of music


i've recently seen: European Gigolo, Just Friends, Derailed, Just Like Heaven, 40 Year Old Virgin, Bewitched, Fever Pitch, Day Without A Mexican, The Notebook, Win A Date With Tad Hamilton, Star Wars 3, The Girl Next Door, Cinderella Story, Mean Girls, Boogie Nights, 54, Wonderland, Canadian Bacon, 13 Going On 30, Freaky Friday, Shrek 2, Blow, Traffic, Goonies


KFVE News, The Travel Channel, Kimo's Vegas


Sun Sin and Suburbia, A Short History of Las Vegas, Scarne's New Complete Guide to Gambling, Scarne on Dice, Comp City, Gambling 102, The Backpackers Guide To Hawaii, How to Win Friends and Influence People

Visit Yahoo! Answers


Tom Knapp, Bill Boyd, Steve Wynn...

My Blog

no power...

Well today is turning out to be a mellow day without electricity. Well, even though there is no juice I still am able to get on the internet. Seems that someone near here has a open router s...
Posted by djkrazyk on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:15:00 PST

new joint

So I drove past the new Walgreens this morning and it looked as there was gonna be a grand opening ceremony. When I drove past later on around lunch, parking looked scare on the street.
Posted by djkrazyk on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:10:00 PST

fuck Mixshow Power Summit!!!!

So I find out on Monday, that the one convention that I've been trying to go to for the past four years is for the first time less than a 12 hour flight from me. The catch is, it's this Wednesday...
Posted by djkrazyk on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 04:52:00 PST

back to school

well I'm back in school!!! sorta
Posted by djkrazyk on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 05:22:00 PST

back at home

well, I'm back home after being away for ten days. I know, 10 days... It was a great trip. Seattle was different and Alaska was mellow. I had written a blog for each day I was on the boat, but ac...
Posted by djkrazyk on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 07:21:00 PST

seattle here i come

this market is just waiting to be raped... radio is quite simple here...
Posted by djkrazyk on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 04:51:00 PST

almost outta here again

and like usual, i find myself at work at the late hours of the night wishing for a cold beer trying to knock out all of my work before I go on vacation tomorrow. this upcoming adventure takes me ...
Posted by djkrazyk on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:19:00 PST

party crash course

well i just got back from working that Neiman Marcus 100th b-day luncheon. It was quite an event. Thank goodness it's over, now I can go back to worrying about pop music. I went on a full scale assal...
Posted by djkrazyk on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:39:00 PST


thank goodness I wasn't at pipeline cafe on Tuesday night!! Rat tat tat tat on dat azz
Posted by djkrazyk on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 10:04:00 PST

fricken greedy Kauai fuckers

Now I know why the people of Kaua'i is protesting the Superferry. Bastards didn't want invasive species to infect their crops. well now it's the Federal governments pot plants if it already ...
Posted by djkrazyk on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:13:00 PST