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I am here for Friends

About Me


find my channel here...


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Life Happens... I live it!

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I am part of spoken word duo called the Two Warriors. find us at... www.twowarriors.com

My Interests


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I'd like to meet:



Mika Nakashima, Magnetic North, Bob Marley, YUI, Hepcat, the Beatles, YUKI, Emm Gryner, Go Jimmy Go, the Sundays, the Distillers, the Push Kings, C&K, Keahiwai, Holly Palmer, Melanie May Po, Mat Sia, Alfa Garcia, Jay Legaspi, Yuna Ito, Metallica...


Tasogare Seibei, Tampopo, LOR, Azumi, Shall We Dance (JP), My Sassy Girl (KO), Crouching Tiger HIdden Dragon, Christmas in August (KO), Kung Fu Hustle...


i have to admit i don't watch too much TV. don't even have any cable but i try to catch Grey's Anatomy, Smallville and dvds of Battlestar Galactica... but honestly who needs TV when you have You Tube!!!

Magnetic North

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currently reading Legend of Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore. i also love works from Eiji Yoshikawa, Lois Ann Yamanaka, Ishle Yi Park, Christopher Moore, Michelle Cruz Skinner... i like sceince fiction stuff like LOR, Eldest, Star Wars, Dragonlance, Harry Potter and stuff like that...


All of you who have shaped the person I am. Thank you.

My Blog

three minute hero

ok ya no. i'm not talking about that. i can go for longer than three minutes but i use the title because it was a song title from a band called the Selecter. do you know who they are? if not then you ...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:15:00 PST

should hav gotten her name!!!

the number i have! the name, she told me but i forgot. and no. it's not like that. she is a keyspan operator and i had an argument with her about the gas in my apartment! i wont go into those details ...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:50:00 PST

the best

to be the best that you can be. you have to let your passion consume you. devote your entire life to it. learn every aspect. experience every detail. push yourself forward and fight ones who would hol...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Sun, 20 May 2007 10:31:00 PST

the softest hearts

the softest hearts survive... despite being broken, beaten and burned.if i couldn't believe in hope. i do not know where my life would have led me to. sometimes i think it is all i have left. possessi...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:05:00 PST

a real man

i can't sleep. my mind is racing and i have to go to work in a few hours. but i am still on hawaii time. been thinking about my trip. about what i did and did not do. who i spent time with and what i ...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:07:00 PST


I am feeling a little less than my Parents my Father physically workered harder could pull a plow bend his back in rice fields climb coconut trees for juice could carry boulders as i resort ...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 03:25:00 PST

The "I" in me

I Live: in a weird space in my head but physicallyi'm in New York CityI Work: WAY TOO MUCH!! when is sleepy time again?I Talk: to myself on good days, on bad days, stayout of my way! I Wish: i could h...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:38:00 PST

Touch Me

keeping up with friends can take up a lot of time and there are few excuses because everyone is so accessable with the cell phones and emails and on line networks. you don't have to be with someone in...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 08:10:00 PST


This just took me for a spin. Plus i'm in a reflective mood. It is good to remember the people in your life. They have contributed to a part of who you are as mch as you have contributed to a part of...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Sat, 15 Oct 2005 07:37:00 PST


i don't think i can finish my novel until i have felt someone die. it's a morbid thought but my novel is about death and change and strength. i know people who have died. i know family who have die...
Posted by 2ylite808 on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 01:23:00 PST