Lee profile picture


Life's not just about Drinking. It's also about eating

About Me

They used to say that I was a loser at School because i fought younger kids and smoked in the gym toilets. But I showed 'em! I'm on MYSPACE!"how was the gig, rocksie. the gig i went to was hokey. everyone was buzzed. i had a drink and went downhill - and then i walked back up to discover that i was drunk. but don't worry - i flew home, not droved." greasywatts 16/6/06

My Interests

Well, my main interest is keeping young kids on track. I'll give em a job, any of em, a dollar an hour, so what! It's not the money, it's building character!

I'd like to meet:

JeFF Tweedy, no doubt about this one. I'd rub his poor little migrained head and whisper song lyrics into his elfy ears. Oh hang on, i met him already.


Free compilation cd's that come with magazines. Why buy music? Listen to ad breaks on TV!


I said it on friendster and i'll say it again - Calcutta Special, a bollywood action flick. Oh, and Brown have Better Times in Bed, the cutesyest Porno ever.


Is the drug of the nation. But which nation? Franti doesn't say. Until he reveals this, I'll keep watchin'.


Fill up too much space! Books are the heaviest thing to lift when you move house! Burn all your books, especially if they have male/female contact in then!


My Postman. He noticed we weren't home one week, so broke in, went through our drawers and left our mail conveniently opened and half-read in the bathroom! Now that's service! Top fella. Scott and Damo def!

My Blog

housewife's grease

i find it cool that people are still reading my blog, even though i havent really written anything for months and i'm hardly online in this account. thankyou, whoever you are...most of my blogs are pr...
Posted by Lee on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 01:36:00 PST

adrian done got me in trouble.

I almost checked out for good tonight. Some bastard sent someone after me. I've dodged him, and ran into an internet cafe to tell everyone the news, in case i dont see morning. it started quite innoce...
Posted by Lee on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 03:12:00 PST

talking shit in the kitchen

 - This Vodka isn't having much effect on me, mate, said Hem. - Look. I've had three straight glasses. Jim had a closer look, a sniff, and a sip.  - That's because it's water man. No taste b...
Posted by Lee on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 08:54:00 PST

I'm sick

O, there's a bar in Auckland where everyone knows your name and you can get drunk on $17.......I went there last night.Now playing: complete Guided by Voices and Robert Pollard back catalogue, includi...
Posted by Lee on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:16:00 PST

blog for the late-nighters

As you can see by my new profile pic, it's been a wild night. i really did smoke those three cigarettes at once - they were rothmans. the blue lightshide behind me went out the window and frightened t...
Posted by Lee on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 05:45:00 PST

Standing too close to the road...

We should really have known better at 17 or whatever age we were. Actually, I think I was 17, Chewie 21.But we used to play a little trick on people when we were hitch hiking. Man, we used to laugh, u...
Posted by Lee on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 06:24:00 PST


Tu woke me up at 5:30 am on Saturday. How early was that? My alarm was set for 11. At first I thought it was a  bloody police raid. I grabbed the bat. -"hang on bro, it's me" he said. "Get up" I ...
Posted by Lee on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:39:00 PST


I woke up at 4am this morning - with Rock n Roll on my brain. I was stressing in my dreams about organising these upcoming gigs. Thinking about it hough, it makes a nice change. a LOT OF 30 YEAR OLDs ...
Posted by Lee on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 12:18:00 PST

before i get towed

before i get towed, i'll write ye a blog. arrr, i write best under pressure. and the man leanin' on me right now is sure creatin' that..arrr..   One time, i was sittin on the porch down home with...
Posted by Lee on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 09:16:00 PST

the other night in mt eden

I remember the day we successfully campaigned to get Mt Eden's height remeasured. Turns out it's actually 35M taller than they say it is in the maps and history books! They way we got the surveyor to ...
Posted by Lee on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:20:00 PST