Anyway, this is my profile. Don't expect some spiffy background graphics to be added. Don't expect some annoying audio file to start playing everytime you come here.
What you can expect are some random thoughts by me to be put into my BLOGS. Sure, that's not original, but I have really kool random thoughts. Kooler than your's. They make your random thoughts seem like the equivalent of "damn, I really wish I didn't have to scratch myself there" or for women "damn, I wish I didn't have to fix this bra every 10 minutes".
I also like to post mp3s on my web space & put the links to them in my BLOGS - and all of the mp3s I post are worth listening to for one reason or another. Some of them are brand new material from artists I like - and if I like them then they must be worth listening to. Some of them will be extremely obscure songs that you should hear, but never will because you don't know where the hell to find them. You're welcome.