at my most beautiful... profile picture

at my most beautiful...

A Breath of time holds a thousand voices....

About Me

*~I Love Music, and Art
*~I love life, most of the time..
*~I'm not the best artist in te world but boy is it fun
*~I play Saxophone, Clarinet, some piano, and I am "trying" to learn guitar. Any tips from you pro's out there I'd be glad to hear em!
*~I plan on moving to Detriot by Spring 2007
Ok enough individualizing stuff, that would take too long. I am a pretty fun person (or so I am told)
I am currently working in and around the Detroit music scence creating promotion like creations as well as expanding on my own artistic ideas. I have my own starting company that works custom made art creations for the public I plan on one day going into a booking/promotions kind of deal but who knows what the future holds.
I'm a rocker chick who was born in the wrong era. I am an artist in many ways and although my main muse is music (hmm muse,music haha) I love to mix and create with all sorts of inspiration. I'll do just about anything too like go to an after hours gay bar with a band I adore haha!
There is so much to me, words dont do me justice. So I say if you want to know more, ask me. I am pretty open about things if you ask. I am a shy person (unless I know ya!)but i'll own up to anything. If I am you're friend you know you can count on me. I am very loyal to what I belive, and I am very sweet and cool. Or at least thats what they tell me haha.
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My Interests

I am interested in many things.
Music is my main love in this world.
I love everything that is fun.
I am the kind of girl you bring home to your mother, i look good in blue jeans, even better undercover ;) Ok.. yea I like Silvertide..
I love eastern ideas, I am pretty much a rock and roll goddess mixed with a lil bit of hippie.

I'd like to meet:

.. width="425" height="350" .. Hmm.. who would I like to meet.. Sounds like a Miss America question. He he he, just call me Miss "Schramerica." Yea I know I'm nut, but it's ok, I'll get over it..

I love all people. All ages and all groups. I very rarely have a problem with people, I go with my intuition. I have had a few times where people have duped me but it's not like I havent screwed people over before.. I hope they are happy cause I strongly belive that karma will get back with those people ten fold. So, Life goes on and people live together. Perhaps one day greed won't rule the Earth and we can all get togehter for the sake of rock n' roll. Call me a dreamer, whatever works for ya, Peace Out, and drive safe on the long and winding road, *~Lyra.
WArning: If you want to add me as a friend, message me first. Otherwise I will deny you. If you are just adding for the sake to add then add my business page/


I love ALL music. My main love is Rock, and Blues. I love playing improv blues on my sax, total fun! As for music groups I could go on forever.

I love blues and I draw alot of influence for my artwork from the older sounds of blues.

I love all classic rock. I own and collect records. my latest addition was AC/DC Back in Black. I'm not one of those weirdos that catogorize and never play them. I BLAIR them.

All the rock gods are up there. I do ahve to mention that my first tape was Def Leppard-Pyromania. It was played for me in the womb. To this day I love it.

John Lennon as well as all Beatles is the epitome of all music in my mind. Although blues and jazz came before, nothing can top the Beatles. They started out as a blues band and progressed to rock leaving fans in awe.. Hmm Sounds like another band I am obsessed with... Sorry Schrammy got a ways to go before "Beatle Stature" but you could do it.. maybe...

I have been really getting into the local scene (by local I mean Detroit) The following bands have got a spot for my support.


Any Band under No Deal Records

The Undone(Old Elixir Members and one of my rock heros, former BSB memeber Joe Jermano)
Zug Izland
Jody Raffoul
Jeez there are still way too many in this category!

Ok, this will take to long. If it can run through speekers and has a beat, then it's likely I'll listen to it.

Myspace Graphics


.. width="425" height="350" ..I don't have too much time for movies. But I love anything that makes me laugh or think. I love those messed up movies that leave you clueless till the end. I also am a big fan of cult classics like "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" If you have never seen it... DO IT NOW!! Hedwig carries a strong message. ALOT of symbolism involved too.


.. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" ..Again, not much time for TV. The Simpsons is great. Saturday night Brittish shows on PBS(My Hero, and Keeping Up apearences) They rock. Red Green Kicks ass. Saturday night live (back when it was cool) LOST is keeping me wondering.. Like the f-in polar bear.. I assume the writers are on acid.. or were at least when writing this series.. can't get enough though.. Hmm lets see what else.. There are a few sitcoms that I will occationaly watch but other then that I don't watch much.


Too many. LOTR books are my main love (not just the main series, the off books too that go deeper into the history) I love fantacies, mysteries and just about anything. I love to expand my mind.


John Lennon is my main Hero. I have a good amount of heros in my life. basically any one I look up to. Anyone I can trust, or anyone who just kicks so much ass they have to be a hero.

My Blog

Ahh peing outstide.. the joys of winter..

Mom was in the throneroom so I had to step outside (we live in the country) Oops.. um err... *blush* So..      I called Ash this afternoon and things are worked out. The thing I h...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 09:17:00 PST

Well That Feels Better..

I got my check today! yay! I of cource bought myself an Mp3 player. It's an RCA Lyra (dosent that rock:) So It's attached to my rist and I am listening to Schrammage. I went Christmas shopping. I know...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:04:00 PST

For All of My Photog Friends!

Hola, My midtearms were last week, so I thought I would show you some of my work. Warning: these were scanned off an old cheap scanner so forgive the fact that they may not look as technically kind :)...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 07:00:00 PST


I am so sick of having to depend on people for rides. I want to be able to come and go when I please. Whats more sucky about rides is when people bail on you! It happened this summer and it is happeni...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 06:45:00 PST

English Essay: Based on Brian Schram's guitar.

Had to write an essay for English. A descriptive essay. I chose a particular evening when I was riding up north with the boys. It had to be really descriptive and so I put my thoughts to work. P...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 06:03:00 PST

I'm feelin poetic

I don't want this to come off cheesey but it might. I am opting for no cheese.. wish me luck..   I am not here,   waiting.. for nothing.. I am here in that land where dreams start to fade, b...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 04:18:00 PST

First Photoshoot..... ICK!

My first photoshoot went... well it wasnt great. My sister wanted me to take pictures of my neice and her horse. It was an opourtunity to get some posed pictures to use for my class. Well the day cam...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:05:00 PST


Fuck it - I'm going to New York!!! For a week anyhoo.. I made that desicion. I thought to myself. Gee Lyra, I could get an Ipod, or perhaps a guitar. Hell I could do blablabla... Well I have made it ...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 12:02:00 PST


Just a brief "ello" for everyone. I have school in the morning so It'l be brief.. although.. I never sleep haha. So my birthday was a total downer. I'd hate to start my blog like that but it was. Ph...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 07:52:00 PST

Fun Fun..

Just hangin out trying to get better. Working on a project I have been dreaming of doing for a bit and I now am doing it. *YAY* Here at Kirtland, bored as fuck. Choda-boy is making my friend upset. H...
Posted by *~The Schram Artiste~* on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 07:44:00 PST