The Only People You Need in Your Life, Are the Ones That Need You in Theirs.......
~I love animals, live music, going out to see my awesome friends play. I'm very lucky to have several friends in the most amazing bands around. You should check them out, Soul Circus, The Brian Schram Band Drop DThe Allies Mindcandy The Unheard Monkey Grinder Jocaine, Jody Raffoul...... You can find out more on their Myspace pages in my friends list or go to No Deal Records page and link from there. They really are the best around!
~My Friends are the BEST!!!
They are my reason for being on this crappy planet!!
Anyone interesting, kind, HONEST & full of life!! Positive energy only! FAKE, Negative & Mean people suck! Must have a backbone and know what you want in this life, no more "I'm no sure what I want" types for me!! If you're looking for unconditional love as a friend or lover, that's all I know how to give!
I love all kinds of music. From: Daughtry, Kidd Rock, Nine Inch Nails, Michael English, DC Talk, Kelly Clarkson, Jazz, Blues, Christian Rock & Everywhere in between. But most of all I listen to CD's from the local music scene, like The Brian Schram Band!
This is one talented man, look NO HANDS!!!
Ladies & Gentleman, Yes, it is THE ONE, THE ONLY, MR. BRIAN SCHRAM!! Photo by: ME ; )
General Hospital (this is my addiction for OVER 20 some years now lol), Gray's Anatomy, Private Practice, Pushing Daisy's, Men In Tree's, Criminal Minds, Bones, Las Vegas & MTV.
Some of my favorite quotes about love!
~ Love is an irresistible desire, to be irresistibly desired.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you love something set it free, if it doesn't return it was never meant to be, if it does hold on to it and love it forever!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a rose cant live
without the rain
So a heart can't love
without risk of pain
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the power of love
overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace.
~Jimi Hendrix
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Girls are like apples on trees.
The best ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys dont want to reach for the good
ones because they are afraid of falling and
getting hurt. Instead, they just get the
rotten apples from the ground that are'nt as
good, but easy to get. So the apples at the
top think something is wrong with them, when
in reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to come along,
the one who's brave enough to climb all the
way to the top of the tree.
MY SUPER HEROES: Jesus, My Dad's, My Uncle Dave, My Nephew/Godson David (Serving in Irac!) & Wayne Gretzky!! ;*