I enjoy all types of ENTERTAINMENT!
Amusement parks
Video Games
an extremely rich 98 year old sugar -mama to marry and take care of during the autumn of her life. Actually it's probably the dead of winter for the old bitch. And this also means I will be wiping her ass. The way I see it she'll be too tired after BINGO to want sex, and there'll be so much money for me, I'll wipe an ass for a couple months. Who's with me?
I only listen to Hansen B- Sides, and cool ass mother-fuckers like Butane, Oh No Not Stereo,The Killers, Tool, Sublime, Young Jeezy, Motorcycle, DJ Jeremy Thrash from D-town, and a band you've never heard of (hed)p.e.
There was a little movie you might have seen that came out in the late 90's. Yeah I was in it, you know what movie I'm talking about. I played a pissed off cop, chasing the two dumb-ass criminals across Arizona. We shot it in Utah. Yeah just the best movie in the history of film. Duh, I'm talking about Police Academy 73. It was me and the black guy that makes the crazy noises with his mouth. It was awesome.
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My Wife Chelsie, She's such an inspiration she is the best thing that could happen to anybody. She makes me strong when I'm weak.