Hiking, Fishing, Camping, Blair Witch Hunting, Ghosts, Movies, Ghost movies, Dancing, Writing (Music, Stories, Poetry, pretty much anything involving a pen/pencil/keyboard) Real Estate, Investments, Money, Finance, Geeky role-playing type games, Posessing the living, Stalking you (yes you. Nice shirt by the way) Spirituality, Tarot, Runes, Long debates about any of the previous three that extend well into the early hours of the morning, Writing long paragraphs about my interests that probably won't ever be read by anyone.
Old friends. Fellow plantheads. Cool people. Oh, and that "Resident" guy who keeps having his mail sent to my house.I WOULDN'T like to meet:No-name bands that I've never heard of who seem to think that their big breaks will come in the form of myspace profiles.Women who are so desperate for popularity and attention that they post nearly-naked pictures of themselves on their profiles and try to add everyone on myspace as a friend.Anyone who sends me a generic email stating. "Hey I just saw your profile and you seem cute. Chat with me on (insert IM service here) and come see my pics on (Insert amateur porn website here)"
Pretty much everything
The Lord of the Rings, The Crow, Apocalypse Now, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Labyrinth, Bubble Boy, The Incredibles, Shrek, Requiem for a Dream (best movie I'll never see again), Donnie Darko, Memento, The Ring, Spectre, In the Mouth of Madness, Scent of a Woman, A Few Good Men, Scarface, Patton (just cuz my grampa was in Africa with the guy), Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Thirteen Ghosts, House on Haunted Hill, Shaun of the Dead, Sin City
Adult Swim.
The Lord of the Rings, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Fight Club, Anything by Edgar Allen Poe, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, The Invisibles, The Ascention War Trilogy, America (The Book), Harry Potter (All of 'em), pretty much anything by Michael Moore
Robert Evans. Kid notorious. You bet your ASS he's my hero.