Being in Europe RIGHT NOW! Not Getting Hit By Cars, Penguins, Music, Photography.
People who share my penguin obsession. People who can appreciate the aesthetic implications of a large starbust of vomit on the sidewalk with cockroaches crawling around in it. People who like to photograph, or be photographed. or: Werner Herzog, I'd like to meet him more than all you bitches.
Ant-Zen, Component, Ad Noiseum, Hymen, Hands Productions, Skinny Puppy, Joy Division, New Order, Winterkalte, Enduser, Marching Dynamics, Ammo, Bitcrush, Beefcake, Nullvektor, S.K.E.T., This Morn' Omina, Nebulo, Scrap.edx, Gridlock, Mimetic, Converter, Dryft, Asche, Placid, 5f_55, Polarlicht 4.1, Needle Sharing, OTX, Tarmvred, Synth-Etik, Mono No Aware, Keef Baker, Squaremeter, PAL, DJ Hidden, Bong Ra, Haujobb, Architect, Xanapticon, Somatic Responses, Katoo, Klangstabil, Zentiert Ins Antlitz, Ahnst Anders, Aaron Spectere, Xotox, Substanz-t, Synapscape, Klinik, Kom-Intern, Norm, Xingu Hill, Pow[d]er Pussy, Wai Pai Wai, Lusine, Transistor, Noisex, MS Gentur, Proyecto Mirage, Imminent, Monstrum Sepsis, Typhoid, Ah Cama-Sotz, Throbbing Gristle, Einsturzende Neubauten, Laibach
Blade Runner, High Tension, Begotten, The Tenant, The Cremaster Cycle, The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, Institute Benjamenta, 2001, 1984, anything by Brain Damage Films (the most hideous production company existing today) especially "Goth"
Six Feet Under, Simpsons, Family Guy, Dead Like Me, The Wire
Werner Herzog, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Joel-Peter Witkin, Dieter Appelt, Christian Boltanski.