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About Me

’ Its rare to find a band that can keep your attention from curtain rise to curtain fall.....until now!

DURBAN can do this and have the added bonus of owning probably the finest vocalsits in town. He’s got the kind of tonsils that have that extra tone of origionality that keeps you static, listening and enjoying every juicy little note.


Coma Magazine - July 06

DURBAN are a 4 piece band hailing from Sheffield goin from strength to strength after a fantastic year in 07 seeing them support sell out gigs with the likes of Air Traffic, Tom Hindley (Inspiral Carpets) , Passenger & The complete Stone Roses.Stone Me

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Member Since: 8/26/2005
Band Website: "
Band Members:

CHARVA - Vocals

NOBBY - Bass & Backing Vocals

PITCHY - Drums

TOMO - Guitar

Influences: All Genre's of rock from the Psychedelic and mod styles of the 60's through the Classic way of the 70's Not so much the eighties.. a bit of the Manchester groove of the nineties and a incey weeni bit of indie rock we hear on the radio today!!
Sounds Like: Something a little different!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Leadmill

After playing our debut gig at the leadmill on the 6th May supporting the Complete Stone Roses.. Rob has kindly given us a second date on the main stage. We will be supporting Air Traffic who are...
Posted by DURBAN on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:37:00 PST

New Management

We are chuffed to bits that Wayne & Linzi of Woo's Promotion & Management company have decided to take us on board along with another top Sheffield band Craine, we are all looking forward to s...
Posted by DURBAN on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:25:00 PST


' its rare to find a band that can keep your attention from curtain rais to curtain fall. DURBAN can do this and have the added bonus of owning probably the finest vocalsits in town. He's got the kin...
Posted by DURBAN on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 12:58:00 PST