Ladd ~Smoke Star~ profile picture

Ladd ~Smoke Star~


About Me

Our page got trashed so Ad My Band to your Friends !!!

I started and was apart of 2 bands in the Jersey area Which did very well. One American Slang and the other Hostel Inc. From the ashes that were burnt from American Slang,I formed Smoke Star after awhile.We (American Slang) were working with a recored label that was backed by Vince Neil (Motley Crue) and his company Bad Bones. But it fell apart due to bad management from the record label. I could go on all day about who we played with and who we know but it really don't matter in the end it's all about the music.This time around it's some Bad Ass Shit !! Trust me!! So hang tight as we are finishing recording and will be playin out this summer..

Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0

My Interests Check out Smoke Star.......

I'd like to meet:



Black Label Society, AIC, DOWN, Soundgarden, Zepplin, Janis Joplin Rocks!! Chick can sing.. COC..Damage Plan, Super Joint Rit., Pantera, Warrior Soul, Spread Eagle....Smoke Star!! Alot of other types as well...


Dazed and Confused, Underworld, The Warriors (all time classic for me), Reservior Dogs.Love the Horror Movies!! The Wanderers, Duces Wild, I pretty much see a shit load..more


As far as TV goes King of Queens, The Simsons, South Park. That's about It


People that make it and stay in the music business !!

My Blog

I left HOSTEL INC !!

I have left the band I started for reasons that should not matter.. The important thing is that we are all still on good terms and hope the best for the guys. I had to choose a different path right no...
Posted by Ladd ~Smoke Star~ on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:17:00 PST