Lilyth profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm trying to understand where I am in the Jewel Net of Indra.

My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at!

My Interests

Writing, music, reading and whatever strikes me as interesting that day. I've studied many religions and philosophies resulting in something of an eclectic view of the world and a love for the myriad of lives within.

I'd like to meet:

good people.


Baroque, Celtic, Jazz, Rock, and bits of all other kinds.


I like action and adventure movies...nothing that makes me cry - life has enough of that, thank you very much!


Not against it, just have no time these days!


Classics, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, science, and religion/philosophy.


The Origin, because - what a Universe!And of course, the wonderful water bear for its amazing resilient qualities. Not as flashy as a phoenix rising from the ashes, but just as impressive.