Le calendrier des soirées cerises (http://www.myspace.com/soireescerise) :
12/10/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 22 : http://www.new.facebook.com/event.php?eid=60521990214&re f=ts
Elliot Drop (Rock/Rock folk) - http://www.myspace.com/elliottdrop
Too Much and the White Nots (Folk Rock/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/toomuchthewhitenots
Nele Van Den Broeck (Pop/Acoustique/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/nelevandenbroeck
19/10/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 23 : http://www.new.facebook.com/event.php?eid=20212617751&re f=ts
Velvet avenue (powerpop/Rock) – http://www.myspace.com/velvetavenue
Dany Sand (Pop/Rock/Reggae) – http://www.myspace.com/danysand
margaux H. (Folk) – http://www.myspace.com/anotremezon
26/10/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 24 : http://www.new.facebook.com/event.php?eid=18911359629&re f=ts
In a Box (Rock/Indie/Alternative) - http://www.myspace.com/inaboxspace
Dashbox (Rock/Pop/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/dashbox2
02/11/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 25
Nô (Électroacoustique/Electronique/Down-tempo) - http://www.myspace.com/mybandnameisno
Thot (Shoegaze / Live Electronics / Visual) - http://www.myspace.com/thot
16/11/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 26
Nicola Testa (Pop/Electronique/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/nicolatesta
David Celia (Pop/Folk Rock/Rock) - http://www.myspace.com/davidcelia
Box Story (Indie/Rock/Minimaliste) - http://www.myspace.com/boxstorymusic
30/11/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 27
Rhinestone lives (Acoustique/Folk/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/rhinestonelives
William Street (Folk /Acoustique/Pop) - http://www.myspace.com/wstreet
Elvy (Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/elvymusic
07/12/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 28
Skeptical Minds (Rock/Electrique/Metal) - http://www.myspace.com/skepticalminds
La-Ventura (NL) (Rock/Gothique/Metal) - http://www.myspace.com/laventura
14/12/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 29
Soutine (Indie/Acoustique/Alternative) - http://www.myspace.com/soutine
Bow (Indie/Alternative/Folk Rock) - http://www.myspace.com/bowmusic
Pollyanna (FR) (Pop/Folk/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/pollyannamusic
21/12/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 30
Le Yéti (tbc) (French pop/Chanson française/Folk) - http://www.myspace.com/le yeti
Carl () - http://www.myspace.com/carlclabard
Snowpop (Pop) - http://www.myspace.com/snowpopband
28/12/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 31
18/01/2008 > Soirée cerise n°
Tazio & boy (FR) (Hawaaiian/Acoustique/indie) - http://www.myspace.com/tazioandboy
ou ? Theâtre de la flûte enchantée
rue du Printemps , Lentestraat 18
à 1050 Ixelles / Elsene
"LE" théâtre du quartier universitaire, entre le cimetière d'Ixelles et le boulevard Général Jacques.
Accès STIB : Arrêt "Gare d'Etterbeek" - Trams : 23-25 - Bus : 95 - N08
Début / vanaf : 20:00
Prix/Prijs :
7 euros à la caisse/kassa
Prix étudiant / studenten : 6 euros
Préventes / VVK @ Caroline music Bruxelles
Passage St-Honoré , 20 - 1000 Bruxelles / Brussels
02 / 217.07.31 - http://www.carolinemusic.be/magasins.htm
Réservation/reservatie : 02/6607950 (th.flûte enchantée)
*** NOUVEAU *** Lors de chacune de nos prochaines soirées , nous vous offrirons la possibilité d'acheter les CDs des artistes , des groupes que nous avons eu le plaisir d'accueillir au théâtre dans le cadre d'une Soirée cerise
+++ past events +++
23/11/2007 > Soirée cerise n°1 @ Kriekelaar
The Ignition (Rock/pop) - www.myspace.com/theignitionrock
+ Anouk Weber (Electrique/pop) - www.myspace.com/anoukweber
03/02/2008 > Soirée cerise n°2
Cloé du Trefle (Rock/electric/pop) - www.myspace.com/cloedutrefle
+ Ruacutane (Pop/indie) - www.myspace.com/ruacutane
10/02/2008 > Soirée cerise n°3
Half asleep (Folk/indie/alternative) - www.myspace.com/halfasleep
+ The vagabonds (Acoustic/Folk rock/Country) -www.myspace.com/vagabondstheband
17/02/2008 > Soirée cerise n°4
Teuk Henri (Ambient/experimental/rock) - http://nim.over-blogcom/article-47176.html
+ Philaretordre (Ambient/electric/rock) - www.myspace.com/philaretordre
02/03/2008 > Soirée cerise n°5
Hank Harry (Pop/folk/indie) - www.myspace.com/hankharrymusic
+ belleclose (Folk rock /americana) - www.myspace.com/belleclose
07/03/2008 > Soirée cerise n°6 @ Kriekelaar
Panopticon (Jam band/Improvisation) - www.myspace.com/enterpanopticon
09/03/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 7
Annelies Monseré (Indie/folk) – www.myspace.com/anneliesmonsere
+ Noria (Alternative/acoustic) – www.myspace.com/oliviernoria
16/03/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 8
Bherman (Pop/rock/club) – www.myspace.com/bhermansound
+ AnneYgerne (Acoustic/folk/celtic) – www.myspace.com/anneygernemusic
30/03/2008 > Soirée cerise n°9
Seesayle (Indie/progressive) – www.myspace.com/seesayle
+ Fifrelin (Quatuor with Seesayle on violin and vocals)
06/04/2008 > Soirée cerise n°10
Melody Dalton (ex-Franco S) (Rock/Chanson française/Pop) - www.myspace.com/francosbe
13/04/2008 > Soirée cerise n°11
Taxidermists (Electric/New Wave/Punk) - www.myspace.com/zetaxidermists
+ Kung-Fu '77 (Rock/Indie/Alternative)- www.myspace.com/kungfu77
11/05/2008 > Soirée cerise n°12
Strawdogs (Rock) - www.myspace.com/strawdogs2
Les wafers (Ch. française/Electroacoustique) - www.myspace.com/leswafers
18/05/2008 > Soirée cerise n°13
Perverted by language (Indie/Alternative/Rock) - www.myspace.com/pervertedbylanguagemusic
Graceland (Dark electro) - http://www.myspace.com/gracelandmusic
Nico Rambaud (solo acoustic set) - www.myspace.com/gbdproject
25/05/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 14
Mute (Alternative/Indie/Rock) - www.myspace.com/noisymute
Balderdash (Alternative/Indie/Rock) - www.myspace.com/balderdashband
08/06/2008 > Soirée cerise n°15
Nestor! (Indie/Rock/Alternative) - www.myspace.com/wearenestor
Soresmile (Acoustique/Punk/Rock) - www.myspace.com/soresmile
22/06/2008 > Fêtes de la musique au th. de la flûte enchantée
Otherwise (Rock/Pop) - www.myspace.com/otherwiselive
Anik (Experimentale/Electrique/Acoustique) - www.myspace.com/anikfaniel
The hills mover (Acoustique/Ambiance/Folk) - www.myspace.com/thehillsmover
Mongolito (Expermimental/Ambiance) - www.myspace.com/mongolitobxlz
Marteleur (Rock/Experimental) - www.myspace.com/marteleur
29/06/2008 > Soirée cerise n°17
Duplex (Rock/Alternative)- www.myspace.com/duplexlive
The Gin (Indie/Alternative/Rock)- www.myspace.com/theginband
09/08/2008 > Festival des cerises
The Ignition (Pop / Rock) – www.myspace.com/theignitionrock
Lady shot from a tree (Rock) – www.myspace.com/ladyshotfromatree
Five forties (Garage / Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/fiveforties
The Joggings (Rock) – www.myspace.com/thejoggings
Be-Sides (Powerpop) - www.myspace.cn/thebesides
07/09/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 19
Auryn & The Nightingales (Indie/Classique/Rock) - http://www.myspace.com/aurynlight
The heart of Auryn has been broken..... The music saved her, and still saving her.... She's writing songs because it's the only way she found to express the deepest thoughts inside her soul.... she is not a sad woman, she is still believing in love and beauty, she is melancholy, she is very happy and she is believing in something better for everyone... She put one's heart and soul into music and want to share it now and ever
Brain snob or sir (Acoustique/Folk/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/brainsnob
She said : "It's so cliché! Call me Brain snob or Sir, I don't know... but please don't call me by my name anymore... weariness you know."
He said : "Ok Sir!".
They had a band.
She said : "Serious mail?"
He said : "A bit cliché no?"
She said : "On a train?"
He said: "You're kidding?"
She said : "You're such a brain snob!"
He said : "Lady, you may call me brain snob, I don't mind."
She said : "Beware I might call you 'Sir' !"
He said : "Well, call me 'Brain snob' or 'Sir'... I'd love that actually!"
She said : "..."
He said : "!!!"
They had a band.
Joliet (Alternative/Pop/Electroacoustic) - http://www.myspace.com/jolietmusic
Little Pisces Kristell is writing songs since the age of 16. First with a guitar, then with different bands, until she met in 2008 a keyboard that she loved like true erotic passion. So extatic Kristell created the EP "Wandering my path" in March 2008. In her studio entourage you can meet love Kirsten De Keyser and arranger Julez Edward. Her music is a combination of electro rock with melancholic and catchy voice. You will certainly shiver by the listening of the songs. But Kristell is not a sad person, she just wants to give music with feelings. Music that makes you feel alive. So Joliet is born. Wander in Kristell's path, welcome in the wildwood!
Les photos des concerts :
http://www.alternativeteken.com/photos/concerts/auryn/070920 08/
http://www.alternativeteken.com/photos/concerts/joliet/07092 008/http://www.alternativeteken.com/photos/concerts/brainsno borsir/07092008/
Merci à Laure et Nicole d’ alternative teKen : http://www.alternativeteken.com
compte-rendu : http://exprof21.blogspot.com/2008/09/brain-snob-or-sir-jolie t-auryn.html
14/09/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 20
Ladycop (Rock/Electronique/Indie) - http://www.myspace.com/ladycopnyc
Kung-Fu '77 (Rock/Indie/Alternative)- http://www.myspace.com/kungfu77
compte-rendu : http://exprof21.blogspot.com/2008/09/ladycop-kung-fu-77-soir e-cerise-le-14.html
28/09/2008 > Soirée cerise n° 21
Cafeneon (Indie/Pop) - http://www.myspace.com/cafeneon
Keiki (Indie/Pop/Experimental) - http://www.myspace.com/keiki666
compte-rendu : http://concerts-review.over-blog.com/article-23270325.html
Myspace Layouts - Food/Candy Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds