About Me
“Since Melanie took over at the mic, the band has gone from strength to strength, even gracing a packed Botanique as support for Laura Veirs...“There’s a lot of wicked humour in some of the songs - I like to have a surprise in there.†says Melanie. She’s not kidding, as later I listen to her song ‘Tim Burton’ - a haunting and eerie number with dark, suffocating words and an almost threatening rhythm, overlaid with a voice that I can only describe as being powered by a tightly controlled hysteria. It’s brilliant.†Up front magazineThe music of BOw melts intimate songwriting on « new weird » folk songs style with more indie energetic rock songs. The band has performed several opening acts like for Zop Hopop and Laura Veirs (U.S.A.) at Le Botanique and Lisa Portelli on a France Tour.
Since 2006, BOw is growing up with Melanie Detry on vocals, guitar & songwriting, Nicholas Yates on Upright bass, Renaud Versteegen on drums & vocals and Miquel Casaponsa on electric guitar.The band’s first full album is due out in 2008. The recordings have been done, under the the artistic direction of Renaud Lhoest, by Geraldine Capart (Rising Sun Studio) who has already revealed herself working with Dominique Brusson on recordings for Nosfell, Sacha Toorop, etc.Renaud Lhoest has also written a lot of elegant and vibrant arrangements for strings and winds on this LP as He previously did for such bands as Venus, Sharko,etc.But surprise ! A special guest from London will put some electro on it !
Guess who ? You will have to discover it soon.The song "All in all" was played during several months on every flights of Sn Brussels Airlines in 2007.WWW.SIWAB.COMNAMLESS MAGAZINEBOw + laura veirs le 13.03.05 - rotonde (Le Botanique) (Bruxelles)Aaah ! Enfin de retour a la rotonde du bota depuis maintenant deja pas mal de temps. Et pas pour
regarder les effets derangeants de la boule a facette sur les rideaux noirs, non. Pas non plus pour
montrer mon nouveau t-shirt hype en fumant des clopes roulees faon artiste. Non, rien de tout a.
Juste pour aller couter de la musique. Et quelle musique ! Au programme, ce soir, mesdames,
messieurs, Laura Veirs. En attendant la venue de la jeune dame, le bota propose en ouverture BOw,
un jeune groupe du cru regional. Une belle decouverte, ma foi, que ce Bow. D'entree de jeu, la
musique oscillant entre le folk et la pop se fait rassurante et deroutante souhait. Encore inconnu
(enfin, de moi...), le groupe n'a, je pense, rien perdre. Mais leur concert est deja reussi des les
premiers morceaux. Certains moments tournent meme l'experimentation et lorgnent legerement sur
le bruitiste. Tres legerement neanmoins, puisque, la seconde suivante, la melodie reprend le dessus
et s'evade vers de nouveaux chemins de traverse. J'en reprendrai certainement des que l'occasion
se representera...fred